(a) Churches and similar places of public assembly, provided the seating capacity of the sanctuary or main seating area is not more than 300 persons.
(b) Day-care centers and schools associated with conditionally permitted churches.
(c) Bed-and-Breakfast establishments, subject to the following standards:
(1) Structures shall maintain the appearance of a single-family residence and be compatible with surrounding residences, in size and scale
(2) The Bed-and-Breakfast establishment shall be owned and operated by the occupant of the premises.
(3) Exterior signage shall be limited to a single nameplate not more than twelve (12) square feet in size.
(4) Accommodations shall be limited to not more than four (4) rooms.
(5) Off-street parking shall be in specially designated areas and shall not be allowed in the front yard.
(d) Administrative, business or professional offices of not more than 3,000 square feet gross floor area and not carrying on retail trade with the public, consisting of:
(1) Brokers and dealers in securities, investments and associated services, not including commercial banks and savings institutions.
(2) Insurance agents and brokers and associated services.
(3) Real estate sales and associated services.
(4) Medical and medical-related activities, but not including veterinary offices or animal hospitals.
(5) Professional, legal, engineering and architectural services, not including the outside storage of equipment.
(6) Accounting, auditing and other bookkeeping services.
(e) Funeral homes, provide the primary building has not more than 5,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)