No Septic Tank Hauler will be permitted to dispose of Septic Wastes at the City of Galion’s Wastewater Treatment Plant until all of the following conditions have been met:
(a) A completed Waste Hauler Manifest Form must be approved and signed by Treatment Plant personnel before discharging.
(b) A minimum fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be charged for each load discharged. Load amounts that exceed 2,000 gallons will be charged an additional twenty dollars ($20.00) per 1000 gallons. Loads from restaurant grease traps will be charged an additional ten dollars ($10.00). (Restaurant grease will only be accepted from the Gallon/Crestline area and will only be accepted with prior notification to the plant. Grease is discharged directly to the digester. Acceptance of grease can be canceled at any time by the Director due to a plant operational problem or a change in process. Exceptions can be granted on a case by case basis by the Director and must be in writing.) All dumping fees will be paid before discharging. Load tickets will be purchased at the Treasurer’s office during their normal business hours. IOUs will not be accepted!
(c) Completion of the Waste Hauler Manifest Form and acceptance of the “dumping” fee does not constitute acceptance of the septage load. If the Plant Operator has reason to suspect the content or the safety of the load in respect to treatment compatibility and/or safety to the plant, equipment, and/or operator, the Plant Operator can order the Septage Hauler to cease his discharge. The Operator may, without prior notification to the septage hauler, refuse to receive loads during extremely high flows which cause bypass at the screen Building. The Operator may also refuse to accept a load, without prior notification to the septage hauler, if accepting the load will cause upset to the treatment plant due to a mechanical problem and/or a treatment problem in the plant.
(d) All Septage Haulers will be inspected and licensed each year by the City of Galion Health Department or other entity selected by the Director. Septage haulers not inspected and licensed by the City of Galion will not be permitted to discharge at the Galion Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Health Department will determine any fees charged for inspection, the content of the License Application Form, and the content of the inspection. Licenses will be issued to specific trucks with a list of authorized and qualified drivers attached.
(e) Drivers of Licensed Haulers will read and sign the Domestic Waste Certification Statement before they are added to the Authorized Driver List for that Hauler. Loads will not be accepted unless the driver has signed the Domestic Waste Certification Statement.
(f) The City of Galion accepts Residential (Domestic) Waste only. Waste from some commercial establishments may be accepted with prior approval of the Director of Sewer/Water. A current list will be maintained at the Galion Wastewater Treatment Plant. These waste streams will be accepted only if they are “restroom only” wastes. No process wastes will be accepted by truck. Any Septage waste may be subject to testing at the expense of the hauler.
(g) Under certain conditions, sludge from package sewage treatment plants will be accepted. The operators of these systems will have a written agreement with the City of Galion with conditions set forth in the agreement governing the acceptance of these wastes. In addition to the trucking charge stated above, a processing charge will apply. This charge will be based on the dry solid content of the sludge and the current cost of processing Galion’s sludge. This fee will be set by the Director.
(h) Septage hauling hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. any day.
(Ord. 95-6118. Passed 1-24-95.)