(a)   Easements to the City for the maintenance of storm sewers shall be of width and alignment as stated in the subdivision ordinance and shall be indicated on a plat or on an easement deed and shall be accepted by Council.
   (b)   Easements for mutual benefit of owners shall be required over all ditches and swales located on sites which will accept or are designed to accept water during any ten year flood. Natural watercourses which traverse a project shall be preserved by an easement of sufficient width, including overbanks, which shall adequately pass the project design flow. The channel and overbank widths, together with a minimum twenty foot continuous maintenance way on one side, shall constitute the floodway encroachment limits.
   (c)   Easements for mutual benefit of owners shall be provided in a form ready for recording and shall include a provision to be maintained by the property owner for the benefit of the uphill property owners with provision that any disputes shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.