The City Engineer shall use the following criteria in the determination of whether sidewalks shall be repaired or replaced:
(a) Any section having a transverse joint or crack with an elevation difference upon either side of such joint or crack of 5/8" or more at any point.
(b) Any section having a crack or cracks in it of more than 5/8" wide.
(c) Any section having shallow spalling, with such deterioration covering twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the surface.
(d) Any section having deep spalling which in the judgment of the sidewalk inspector is potentially unsafe.
(e) Any section having a transverse slope toward either the curb or the property of more than 5/8" per foot or in such manner as to cause water to pond.
(f) Any section with a longitudinal slope with respect to adjacent sections consisting of a "V" upward or downward of 5/8" per foot or more, or when water is caused to pond.
(g) Settlement of any section at a curb, catch basin, manhole cover, step, cellar door, service door, or other feature when the elevation difference is 5/8" or more.
(h) Any section of sidewalk having two or more major cracks regardless of elevation difference.
These criteria shall be used singly or in combination to determine if defects warrant repair or replacement of sidewalks. (Ord. 91-5898. Passed 7-9-91.)