(a) Profile. All sidewalks constructed on any public street or highway shall be laid so that the top surface of the walk and the grass strip between the walk and street shall, at all points, slope toward the established curb grade, as determined by the City Engineer, at a slope of three-eighths of an inch to the foot; provided that, at street intersections where the grade of the intersecting street prevents compliance with the provision stated above, the grade shall be as specified by the Engineer.
(b) Widths. Sidewalks shall be not less than four feet wide. The outer edge of the sidewalk shall be twelve inches from the right-of-way line. The Building Inspector may alter this requirement in business or commercial areas or in cases of unusual terrain or the need to align with existing sidewalks.
(c) Construction Specifications. Sidewalks shall be constructed of not less than four inches of Portland cement concrete, conforming to Specification Class C of the State Department of Transportation. Asphaltic concrete shall not be used except by license from Council. Construction of sidewalks shall be in conformance to sound construction practice and in conformance to the specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer.
(d) Grade Stakes. Prior to the construction of a sidewalk, the Engineer shall be requested to set as many grade stakes as he deems necessary to indicate the correct elevation of the sidewalk. No person shall construct a sidewalk which does not conform to such grade stakes.