In order to standardize and regulate the future installation of utilities in or on any public street, alley or property within the corporation limits of the City, the following standards and regulations are adopted:
(a) Plans of the proposed installation shall be submitted to the Safety-Service Director for approval, and shall indicate location, size, depth and/or height of such proposed utility;
(b) Approval of the plans shall not relieve the utility company of its responsibility for damages for injury to public or private property;
(c) At least one week before breaking ground the utility company shall notify, in writing, all City departments and all public service corporations whose pipe, conduit or other structures may be affected by its operations;
(d) All area disturbed by the installation shall receive immediate temporary repair, and permanent repair no later than six months from the time the area was disturbed. This requirement shall be in accordance with the standards of the City;
(e) In case of emergency only, the Safety-Service Director has the authority to waive the requirements of subsections (a) and (c)