(a)   All applicants for the excavation permit required by Section 901.01 shall deposit with the Safety-Service Director a sum sufficient to cover the cost of repairing and replacing the surface of street or public ground.
   (b)   An additional amount may be required by the Safety-Service Director to be deposited if in the opinion of the Safety-Service Director the amount of the deposit is insufficient. Any amount deposited shall be applied to the actual cost of restoring the pavement or surface of the street. In the event the actual cost of restoring the pavement or surface exceeds the amount of deposit, then the applicant shall pay the City the cost exceeding the amount of the deposit within ten days after being notified thereof.
   (c)   If the cost of repairs is less than the amount deposited, the remainder shall be refunded by the City upon the presentation of the deposit receipt.
   (d)   Public utilities which occupy streets or public grounds under franchise with the City shall not be required to obtain the permits specified herein or to make the deposits set forth, but shall pay all costs of restoring the pavement or surface within a reasonable time after the work has been completed and not later than thirty days thereafter.