(a)   Denial of License. Upon determination by the Mayor or his agent that license applied for ought not to be issued, a notice shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail stating the reason for the denial, and advising the applicant of the right to a hearing to appeal the denial and the right to correct any defect in the application or premises.
   (b)   Hearing on Denial of License. When a hearing is requested by an applicant on denial of a license, not less than ten days written notice of such hearing shall be given to the applicant, which notice shall designate the time and place where the hearing will be held.
   (c)   Revocation or Suspension of License. Any license issued under this chapter may be revoked or suspended by the Mayor for the causes listed in this chapter after notice and hearing.
   (d)   Hearing on Revocation or Suspension. When a hearing is set by the Mayor in a revocation or suspension procedure the licensee shall receive not less than twenty days written notice, which notice shall contain the charges made, as well as the time and place where the hearing will be held.
   (e)   Rights Granted. At a hearing conducted pursuant to this chapter, the applicant or licensee shall have the right to be represented by counsel, the present witnesses, to testify and cross examine any other witnesses, and to subpoena witnesses. Proceedings shall be conducted under oath.
   (f)   Mayor Presides. The Mayor shall preside at the hearing and shall make the final determination.
   (g)   Adverse Decision. If any decision adverse to the applicant or licensee is made by the Mayor after a hearing as provided above, the Manager shall provide the applicant or licensee with a written reason for such decision, as well as a notice of the applicant or licensee's right to appeal to the courts of the State.