No license shall be issued for any dance to be attended by children thirteen years of age through seventeen years of age, except upon compliance with the following provisions, and no person holding, conducting, permitting or arranging the dance shall violate any of the following provisions:
(a) No intoxicating beverages, whether malt, vinous or distilled, shall be permitted;
(b) No smoking shall be permitted;
(c) No gambling of any type, including but not limited to card playing or the playing of pinball machines or similar devices, whether paying cash prizes or giving free games, shall be permitted;
(d) No cigarettes or other tobacco products shall be sold or dispensed, whether from vending machines or otherwise;
(e) No dance shall be permitted to continue for patrons in this age group later than 10:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, nor later than 11:30 p.m. on Friday or Saturday, and all patrons in this age group shall leave the premises at those hours;
(f) A person qualified in this capacity and of good moral character shall be in attendance as a supervisor at all dances. The name of the supervisor shall be given to the Safety-Service Director at the time the application for the license is made, and no license shall be issued unless the Safety-Service Director finds the qualifications of the proposed supervisor to be adequate and proper.