Off-premises signs which conform to the provisions of this subchapter and §§ 152.205 through 152.220 or 152.230 through 152.233 shall be permitted in the following zones: B1, B2, B3, M1 and M2. In B1, they shall be set back to the building setback line or to the front of the actual building line, whichever is less. In the remaining zoning districts where off-premises signs are permitted the setback shall be 15 feet from all property lines.
   (A)   Legislative finding and declaration.  
      (1)   The City Council finds and declares that this section regulating off-premises signs is enacted for the purpose of regulating excess signage, encouraging the positive economic development of the city, promoting the safety of the traveling public, protecting existing property values in both residential and nonresidential areas, preventing the overcrowding of land, promoting a positive community appearance as part of a concentrated city-wide effort to protect and enhance the aesthetics of the city for the enjoyment of all citizens of the city.
      (2)   The regulations are designed to prevent the over-concentration, improper placement and excessive height, bulk, number and area. It is recognized that, unlike on-premises identification signs which are actually a part of a business, off-premises signs are a separate and distinct use of the public thoroughfare. With a view to this distinction, outdoor advertising signs are regulated differently from on-premises signs. It is intended that the off-premises signs be located away from residential areas, and that the signs be regulated to protect the character of the area where off-premises signs are located, and to conserve property values in these areas.
   (B)   Definitions.     For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   BACK-TO-BACK SIGN. A structure with two parallel and directly opposite signs with their faces oriented in opposite directions located not more than 15 feet apart. A BACK-TO-BACK SIGN shall constitute one sign except for permit fee purposes. There shall be a maximum of two sign faces.
      (2)   OFF-PREMISES SIGN. A sign which is supported by one or more poles, uprights or braces in or upon the ground which are not part of a building, but other than pole or pylon signs as defined in this chapter, and advertises activities, goods, products, services or facilities that are not sold or offered upon the premises where the sign is located; provided, however, any sign authorized in this section is allowed to contain noncommercial copy in lieu of any other copy.
   Figure 152.209: Off-Premises Sign Faces
      (3)   SINGLE-FACED SIGN. A sign with copy on one side only.
      (4)   V-TYPE SIGN. A sign in the shape of the letter “V” with an angle no greater than 45 degrees. A V-TYPE SIGN shall constitute one sign except for permit fee purposes. There shall be a maximum of two sign faces.
   (C)   Spacing of off-premises signs.
      (1)   On all streets and highways within the jurisdiction of this subchapter, no off-premises sign shall be established within 750 feet lineally of any other off-premises sign.
      (2)   Free-standing off-premises signs shall not be established within 75 feet, measured, of any free-standing on-premises sign on the existing lot or applicable adjacent lot(s). This shall be measured from the closest sign base.
      (3)   Off-premises signs shall not be established within 150 feet of a residential zoning district, measured from the base of the sign.
      (4)   Off-premises signs shall not be located within 500 feet, measured lineally along the closest street frontage, of any park, playground, church or school.
      (5)   No off-premises sign shall be erected, the top of which is higher than 25 feet above the level of the adjoining ground, or the bottom of which is less than ten feet above the ground.
   (D)   Size of signs.
      (1)   The maximum area for any one off-premises sign facing shall be 300 square feet inclusive of any border and trim, but excluding the base or apron, supports and other structural members. In the B1 District, the maximum sign area for an off-premises sign shall be 100 square feet.
      (2)   The sign area shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle or combination thereof which will encompass the entire sign facing.
      (3)   Off-premises signs shall not have more than two sign facings for each sign location. Double stacking of sign facings in a vertical or horizontal configuration is prohibited.
      (4)   Signs may be single-faced, single-faced back-to-back or V-type single-faced. Rooftop and wall-mounted billboards are prohibited.
   (E)   Other requirements.
      (1)   All off-premises signs, and the area around the base of the signs, shall be maintained in a neat and clean appearance. All structures and poles shall be maintained in an upright position and all papers shall be firmly attached to the sign face. Any grass at the base shall be no higher than 12 inches.
      (2)   Off-premises signs shall not be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. if situated with a display surface closer than 500 feet from the nearest lot line of a property zoned for residential use.
   (F)   Concrete footings. Off-premises signs shall be set in concrete footings of sufficient size and weight to prevent overturning the signs.
   (G)   Nonconforming signs. Any sign in existence on July 6, 2010, which does not comply with the provisions of this section, may continue in existence until such time as alterations are made to the sign or a new sign is needed. Specifically, a sign shall not be rebuilt, relocated, enlarged or extended without conforming to the requirements of this section. The sign, however, may be repaired and maintained. The repainting or reposting of display matters shall not be deemed an alteration.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 3-3.5, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 15-3472, passed 1-5-2015) Penalty, see § 152.999