(A)   Use of parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential uses located in any residential district shall be used solely for the parking of passenger automobiles owned by occupants of the dwelling structures to which the parking facilities are accessory or by guests of the occupants. Except for use associated with a permitted home occupation, required parking facilities accessory to residential structures shall not be used for the parking of automobiles belonging to the employees, owners, tenants, visitors or customers of business or manufacturing establishments.
   (B)   Joint parking facilities. Notwithstanding any other parking requirements set forth in this DO, a joint parking facility may be applied where mixed-uses are proposed and the mix of uses creates staggered peak periods of parking demand. A joint parking facility allows the property developer to use parking spaces more efficiently by allowing the same spaces to be “shared” by various land uses, thus reducing the total amount of required parking. A shared parking program may include parking on the same site or different sites subject to the provisions herein. In no case shall a shared parking program include the parking spaces required for residential uses.
      (1)   The Development Review Committee may approve a joint parking facility upon application of a developer, provided that:
         (a)   Pedestrian access is provided to and from the parking area and the building; and
         (b)   All other requirements set forth herein are met. If denied, the applicant may apply for a variance per § 152.019.
      (2)   Parking spaces that are reserved for a specific business purpose (e.g., reserved for doctors only) or designated and marked for use by persons with disabilities shall not be counted toward meeting the shared parking requirements.
      (3)   Those wishing to apply for a joint parking facility must demonstrate to the Development Review Committee the feasibility of shared parking pursuant to division (B)(5) below. The maximum reduction in the number of parking spaces required for all uses sharing the parking area shall be 20%.
      (4)   Shared parking spaces may be located on a different lot than the use which it serves only where the following conditions are met:
         (a)   The parking is located no more than 300 feet from the use that is serves. The distance between the use and the parking lot shall be measured following a reasonable and safe walking route from the main entrance of the use to the nearest parking lot;
         (b)   The applicant(s) for a building permit or certificate of occupancy for the use which is to be served by a joint parking facility shall submit a copy of a written agreement pursuant to division (B)(6) below along with his or her application for the permit or certificate; and
         (c)   There is no substantial conflict in the operating hours of the building served by the shared parking program.
      (5)   Off-street parking facilities for properties with separate buildings or uses or for buildings with mixed uses, may be provided collectively on the zoning lot, provided that the total number of spaces so located together shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use. Cumulative parking requirements for mixed-use occupancies may be reduced where it can be determined that the peak requirement of the several occupancies occurs at different times (either daily or seasonally). The shared parking report published by the Urban Land Institute may be used as a guideline in the estimation of parking demand for mixed use buildings and sites. Requests for reduced parking shall be submitted to the Development Review Committee for approval. If denied, the request may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (6)   Shared parking study. Determination of the shared parking requirements shall be by detailed study which clearly establishes which uses will utilize the shared spaces at different times of the day, week, month or year. The study shall:
         (a)   Be based on the Urban Land Institute’s shared parking study methodology or other generally accepted methodology;
         (b)   Address the size and type of activities, the composition of tenants, the rate of turnover for proposed shared spaces and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads;
         (c)   Provide for a reduction by not more than 20% of the combined parking required for each use;
         (d)   Provide for no reduction in the number of spaces reserved for persons with disabilities or for a specific business purpose as described above, and that the spaces will be provided as required by the State Environmental Barriers Act, ILCS Ch. 410, Act 25, §§ 1 et seq., as now in force and hereafter amended;
         (e)   Provide a plan to convert the reserved space to parking area, if applicable; and
         (f)   Be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and Director of Community Development and Director of Public Works or his or her designee.
      (7)   Agreement for joint parking facility. The developer(s) applying for the joint parking facility shall submit a written agreement approved by the City Attorney requiring that the parking spaces shall be maintained as long as the uses requiring the parking exist or unless the required parking is provided elsewhere in accordance with the provisions of this DO. The developer(s) shall record the written agreement with the County Recorder’s office prior to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy, and a copy filed in the project review file. The agreement shall, at a minimum:
         (a)   List the names and ownership interest of all parties to the agreement and contain the signatures of those parties;
         (b)   Provide a legal description of the land;
         (c)   Include a site plan showing the area of the parking parcel and open space reserved area which would provide for future parking;
         (d)   Describe the area of the parking parcel and designate and reserve it for shared parking unencumbered by any conditions which would interfere with its use;
         (e)   Agree and expressly declare the intent for the covenant to run with the land and bind all parties and all successors in interest to the covenant;
         (f)   Assure the continued availability of the spaces for joint use and provide assurance that all spaces will be usable without charge to all participating uses;
         (g)   Describe the obligations of each party, including the maintenance responsibility to retain and develop reserved open space for additional parking spaces if the need arises;
         (h)   Incorporate the shared parking study, if applicable, by reference; and
         (i)   Describe the method by which the covenant shall, if necessary, be revised.
      (8)   In the event the use of any building or lot is changed, written evidence that the parking necessary for the new use(s) does not exceed the amount that was required by the previous use(s) must be submitted to the City Engineer.
   (C)   Computation. When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this section results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of one-half or less may be disregarded while a fraction in excess of one-half shall be counted as one parking space.
   (D)   Size. A required off-street parking space shall be at least nine feet in width and at least 18 feet in length, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns or office or work areas. Each required off-street parking space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet. The dimensions of accessible parking spaces shall comply with the latest version of the State Accessibility Code.
   (E)   Access.
      (1)   Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of at least the width below, based upon the angle of the parking stalls provided and whether the aisle serves one or two rows of parking spaces:
Table 152.152: Parking Angle and Aisle Width
Parking Angle
Serving One Row
Serving Two Rows
12 ft.
12 ft.
30 deg.
12 ft.
12 ft.
45 deg.
13 ft.
14 ft.
60 deg.
18 ft.
19 ft.
90 deg.
20 ft.
24 ft.
      (2)   All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements.
         (a)   In B1, B2, B3, M1, M2, O or I Districts, no driveway across public property nor curb cut shall exceed a width of 35 feet at the property line.
         (b)   In all R Districts, no parking shall be permitted in the area between the front line of the dwelling and the property line except on an approved driveway. An approved driveway must be paved with concrete, asphalt, gravel, brick or other permanent low-dust surface and shall not exceed 24 feet in width or cover more than 40% of the front yard, whichever is greater. In addition to permitted parking on the driveway in front of attached garages, one parking space perpendicular to the street may be located in front of the dwelling when side or rear yard parking is not available. Safety curbing or a barrier shall be provided to define the limits of this parking area and prevent encroachment into the front yard. Any parking permitted by this division (E) shall be subject to the sight visibility triangle provisions (Figure 152.031(B)(4)) of this DO, pertaining to corner lot visibility.
   (F)   In yards. Required off-street parking spaces may be located in any yard except required front yards, but shall not be closer than one foot to the lot line.
   (G)   Design and maintenance.
      (1)   Open and enclosed parking spaces. Accessory parking spaces located on the same lot as occupied by the use served may be open surface or enclosed in a building.
      (2)   Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas and driveways shall be improved with a compacted macadam base, not less than six inches thick, surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick or some comparable all-weather dustless material. Construction of the surfacing shall be completed within one year of the issuance of a building permit. (See § 152.111(B)(8)(a)
      (3)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential use or zone properties in such a way as not to create a nuisance. (See lighting in § 152.032.)
      (4)   Signs. Incidental signs are permitted in parking areas in accordance with the provisions established in §§ 152.180 through 152.191, 152.205 through 152.220 and 152.230 through 152.233.
      (5)   Repair and service. No motor vehicle repair work of any kind shall be permitted in conjunction with outdoor accessory off-street parking facilities in a residential district, except for minor repairs of the occupant’s personal vehicle, provided that the vehicle is not rendered immobile for more than seven days.
      (6)   Gasoline/oil sales. The sale of gasoline and motor oil in conjunction with accessory off-street parking facilities is not permitted in any residential district.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 2-1.3, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 12-3343, passed 1-23-2012; Ord. 17-3538, passed 2-6-2017; Ord. 20-3609, passed 4-6-2020)