(A)   All inhabited manufactured homes shall be located in the R-3B District or in a manufactured home park that has received a special use permit as required by § 152.018. No manufactured home outside of an approved manufactured home park shall be connected to utilities except those manufactured homes being offered for sale by dealers or manufacturers and not inhabited. If an existing legal nonconforming manufactured home is located outside of the R-3B District or an approved manufactured home park and is removed from its foundation and not replaced with another manufactured home of the same or smaller dimensions within a 24-hour period, the owner shall remove the foundation and permanently disconnect the sewer, water and other utilities. If the owner fails to accomplish this work within 45 days from the date the manufactured home is removed from its foundation, the city may perform the work and place a lien against the property for the cost of the work.
   (B)   Specific development standards addressing manufactured home parks located in the R3A Multi-Family District are found in § 152.071(D)(4).
(Ord. 10-3277, § 1-7.1, passed 1-4-2010)