(A)   Purpose. The R3A District provides for a mixture of residential dwelling types and to allow other selected uses that are compatible with the District’s residential character.
   (B)   Permissive uses. The following are permissive uses:
      (1)   Boardinghouse;
      (2)   Community facilities;
      (3)   Day care home;
      (4)   Dormitory;
      (5)   Educational and philanthropic institution;
      (6)   Golf course;
      (7)   Multi-family dwelling;
      (8)   Nursing home/assisted living center/ supportive living center;
      (9)   Park and playground;
      (10)   Single-family dwelling (attached);
      (11)   Single-family dwelling (detached); and
      (12)   Two-family dwelling.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted by right, subject to the additional conditions listed herein, and provided the conditional uses shall comply with the height, area and parking regulations for similar uses. All proposed conditional uses shall be reviewed by the Director of Community Development or his or her designee to ensure compliance with the development standards listed herein.
      (1)   Community residence (family) - see § 152.114 for conditions;
      (2)   Community residence (group) - see § 152.114 for conditions; and
      (3)   Religious institution/church, with a seating capacity of not more than 200 persons in the assembly area.
   (D)   Special uses. The following uses require a special use permit:
      (1)   Accessory building in accordance with the provisions outlined in § 152.111(K);
      (2)   Funeral home or mortuary;
      (3)   Limited business uses, provided they are located within a structure initially designed for single-family use which is either an approved city-designated landmark, or located within a locally approved historic district or individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places; and approved its use for any of the following purposes based upon its anticipated positive impact upon tourism, or other economic contribution to the community, provided that the Landmark Commission believes there is a net positive benefit to the community as a whole and to the neighborhood in which the property is located as well:
         (a)   Antique shop;
         (b)   Art gallery or art studio;
         (c)   Bed and breakfast inn;
         (d)   Clinic;
         (e)   Coffee, café or teahouse;
         (f)   Craft and hobby shop;
         (g)   Flower and plant shop;
         (h)   Medical or dental office;
         (i)   Museum;
         (j)   Photography studio;
         (k)   Professional office; and
         (l)   Studio for the instruction of photography, music, drama or dance.
      (3)   The uses under division (D)(2) above are subject to the following conditions.
         (a)   The exterior architectural or historical character of the residence shall be maintained.
         (b)   The exterior residential character of the structure shall be maintained.
         (c)   No more than five employees shall be employed on the property at any one time.
         (d)   Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the residential and commercial requirements in §§ 152.150 through 152.155. Off-street parking and loading spaces shall only be located in the rear yard, and screening or fencing of the spaces may be required.
         (e)   One nonilluminated sign not more than two square feet in area and attached to the building or to a yard light may be displayed for each business located within the structure.
         (f)   Alterations to the structure shall be limited to interior changes, unless the Landmark Commission approves a certificate of appropriateness for exterior changes or the changes necessary to assure the health and safety of the occupants and visitors of and to the property.
         (g)   No outside storage of materials shall be permitted.
      (4)   Manufactured home park, provided that:
         (a)   Each lot, space or site on which each single manufactured home is accommodated shall have a minimum area of not less than 5,000 square feet. The lot area may be decreased by any amount to a minimum area of 3,500 square feet as long as on-site park space is set aside equal to the amount of space each lot is reduced below 5,000 square feet. Each lot shall have a width of not less than 40 feet at any point, and no park shall be permitted an average density of manufactured home lots of more than eight per acre, and each manufactured home park shall provide an area of not less than ten acres;
         (b)   All manufactured home parks shall provide lots sufficient to maintain the following minimum requirements.
            1.   Minimum setback separations shall be as follows:
Manufactured home to manufactured home (side to side):
20 feet
Manufactured home to manufactured home (end to end, staggered):
10 feet
Manufactured home to manufactured home (end to end, not staggered):
20 feet
Manufactured home to other structures accessory to manufactured home park, including community buildings and offices:
20 feet
Manufactured home to other structures accessory to a manufactured home structure:
4 feet
   Figure 152.071: Minimum Setback Standards for Manufactured Home Parks
            2.   At least one off-street parking space shall be provided on each lot, space or site on an approved driveway and the vehicle is parked at least eight feet from the nearest adjacent lot boundary.
         (c)   Each manufactured home site shall abut or face a driveway, roadway or street of no less than 24 feet in width, which shall have unobstructed access to a public highway or alley;
         (d)   All state and city sanitation regulations shall be strictly observed;
         (e)   The manufactured home park shall be surrounded by a landscaped strip of open space 50 feet wide along the street frontage of a major street and 25 feet wide along all other lot lines or street frontages. Not less than 8% of the manufactured home park area, excluding streets, shall be set aside for park/recreational facilities. This park space requirement shall be in addition to any park space required to compensate for reduced lot size in division (D)(4)(a) above;
         (f)   All manufactured homes shall be situated on a concrete slab or a set of piers or runners that meet all state requirements. Manufactured homes shall be anchored in accordance with all applicable state requirements;
         (g)   Sidewalks shall be provided along at least one side of all private streets within manufactured home parks to accommodate pedestrians in a safe and convenient manner. Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of four feet and be constructed in accordance with other applicable standard specifications of the city;
         (h)   Manufactured home dwelling units shall be skirted. Skirting must be maintained so as not to provided a harborage for rodents or create a fire hazard;
         (i)   The person, group or corporation that owns the manufactured home park shall be responsible for operation of the park in compliance with local and state law and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its common grounds, private streets, facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition;
         (j)   The manufactured park owner/operator shall maintain a registry containing the names of all occupants, list of pets and the make, year and serial number, if any, of each manufactured home. The registry shall be available for inspection by the city;
         (k)   The manufactured park owner/operator is required to construct at least one framed building in each manufactured home park, which shall be adequate to provide storage of all equipment, tools and materials necessary for the maintenance of the park; and
         (l)   The manufactured park owner/operator is responsible for maintaining lawns, trees, shrubs and snow removal in all common areas.
      (5)   Parking lot located within 300 feet of a B or M District;
      (6)   Pharmacy/drug store; and
      (7)   Public building.
   (E)   Height limits. No building or structure shall be erected or structurally altered to exceed 45 feet. Height limits may be exceeded in accordance with the provisions outlined in § 152.030.
   (F)   Minimum yards. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged shall provide and maintain (other than manufactured homes and their accessory structures):
      (1)   Front yard not less than 20 feet;
      (2)   Side yards not less than five feet;
      (3)   Rear yard not less than 25 feet; and
      (4)   Minimum yards may be exceeded in accordance with the provisions outlined in § 152.031.
   (G)   Minimum lot areas and widths.  
      (1)   Lot areas no less than 6,000 square feet.
      (2)   Lot width no less than 50 feet.
   (H)   Minimum lot area per family.
      (1)   Single-family dwellings: 6,000 square feet.
      (2)   Two-family dwellings: 3,000 square feet.
      (3)   Multi-family dwellings: 2,000 square feet.
(Ord. 10-3277, § 1-5.7, passed 1-4-2010; Ord. 15-3506, passed 11-16-2015; Ord. 17-3538, passed 2-6-2017; Ord. 20-3609, passed 4-6-2020)