Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subchapter, it shall be unlawful to put any land or body of water located within or partly within any zone hereby created to any of the following uses:
   (A)   Any use which would create unreasonable interference with radio communication between the airport, or communication facilities in the vicinity thereof, and aircraft, or which would unreasonably interfere with electronic navigational aids that may at the time of the interference be established for the vicinity thereof, including, in the case of a runway equipped, operated and designated as an instrument runway, any use which would create unreasonable interference with radio communication between the airport, or communication facilities in the vicinity thereof, and aircraft, or which would unreasonably interfere with electronic navigational aids in the operation and use of an instrument landing system;
   (B)   Any use which would materially reduce the visibility within any of the aforementioned zones;
   (C)   Any use which would make it difficult for fliers in the vicinity of or on the airport to distinguish between airport lights or markers or other navigational lights or markers in the vicinity of the airport, and others, or which would result in glare in the eyes of fliers using the airport;
   (D)   Any use which would cause unreasonable interference with navigational aids or devices used by the airport or by aircraft commonly using the airport;
   (E)   Any business, structure, growth or occupation which by its very nature is inherently dangerous or hazardous as respects likelihood of causing or resulting in injury or damage to aircraft or persons using the airport or flying in the vicinity thereof, except as provided in § 91.077; or
   (F)   Any other use or uses which would be detrimental, hazardous or injurious to the safety of aircraft using the airport or maneuvering in the vicinity thereof or to the health, safety or general welfare of airport personnel and other persons using the airport, except as provided in § 91.077.
(1990 Code, § 5-119) (Ord. 67-924, passed 9-18-1967) Penalty, see § 91.999