(A)   Payments. Any offenses arising under the ordinances of the city may be settled and compromised by the offender when settlement payment is made within 14 days after the time a notice is delivered to the offender. The settlement payment shall be in the amount as provided by the notice; The notice may require that the defendant appear before the Administrative Hearing Officer in order to prove correction of an alleged violation.
   (B)   Settlements. Settlement payments shall be made to the Finance Department, who shall provide the alleged offender with a receipt in the amount of such payment. As a condition precedent to the right of an offender to settle under this section, the offender may be required to have first corrected the violating offense (i.e. nuisance removed, appropriate license/permit purchased, and the like).
   (C)   Disposition of payments. The amounts paid to the Finance Department in settlement of the foregoing claims shall be promptly deposited and will be credited to the General Fund.
   (D)   Prosecution. The city shall refrain from prosecuting any alleged offender of the foregoing offenses after receipt of such settlement payment as provided in § 38.14 provided the offense has been corrected. If settlement payment is not received and the offense is not corrected pursuant to § 38.14(A), the city may have a sworn complaint issued and prosecute the matter by either Administrative Hearing or in the Circuit Court and the respondent shall be responsible for the fine and court costs imposed by either the Administrative Hearing Officer or Circuit Court Judge.
(Ord. 15-3507, passed 12-21-2015)