General Provisions
33.01 Organization and operation of court
33.02 Definitions
33.03 Jurisdiction
Court Procedure
33.15 Change of venue; disqualification of Judge
33.16 Chief of Police as Principal Officer of court
33.17 Clerk of the court
33.18 Town Attorney; powers and duties
33.19 Traffic Violations Bureau; payment of fines
33.20 Schedule of fines
33.21 Prosecutions; filing of complaint; fees
33.22 Ordinance violations; citation issuance
33.23 Traffic bail bond provisions
33.24 Issuance of summons; failure to appear
33.25 Failure to appear; bond forfeiture; bench warrant
33.26 Complainant; witnesses; failure to appear
33.27 Issuance of warrant
33.28 Bail or bond procedures; bond schedule
33.29 Arraignment
33.30 Trial by jury
33.31 Judgment after trial
33.32 Payment of costs by defendant
33.33 Enforcement of fines and costs; imprisonment; work
33.34 Same offense punishable by different sections of code
33.35 Contempt of court
33.36 Penalty assessments
33.37 Fines recoverable by civil action
33.50 Office created; qualifications
33.51 Term of office
33.52 Appointment of Judge; Alternate Judge
33.53 Acting Judge
33.54 Compensation
33.55 Removal of Judge from office
33.56 Vacancy
33.57 Authority to prescribe rules
33.99 Penalty
This chapter shall govern the organization and operation of the Municipal Court of the town, as put into operation by resolution duly passed and filed in accordance with law, as authorized by state statutes. To the extent of conflict between any provisions of this chapter and the provisions of any other ordinance of the town, the provisions of this chapter shall control.
(Prior Code, § 1-11-1)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CHIEF OF POLICE. The peace officer in charge of the police force of the town.
CLERK. The court clerk as appointed by the town, including any deputy or member of the office staff of the Clerk-Treasurer while performing duties of the Clerk’s office.
COURT. The Municipal Court of the town.
JUDGE. The Judge of the Municipal Court, including any Acting Judge or Alternate Judge thereof as provided for by the statutes of this state and this chapter.
THIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT. The Second Judicial District of the state.
(Prior Code, § 1-11-2)