It is unlawful to use or permit the use of any building or premises in an Industry District for any purpose other than the following:
   Any use permitted in the Business District, excepting all dwellings
   Building equipment, building materials, lumber, coal, sand and gravel yards and yards for contracting equipment and maintenance, or operating equipment of public agencies or public utilities, or materials or equipment of similar nature.
   Commercial storage units and mini-warehouses. Commercial storage units and mini-warehouses shall not be permitted in any other district except industrial districts.
   Any manufacturing use and any other use not in conflict with any city ordinance regulating nuisances; provided, however, that no building or occupancy permit shall be issued for any of the following uses until the location and plan of development of such use have been authorized by the City Council, and after report by the Enforcing Officer of the city finding that there will be no fire hazard, noxious odors or contamination of the air, and that the general health, safety and welfare of the people of the city will not be endangered:
      Acid manufacture
      Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris manufacture
      Distillation of bones
      Explosives, manufacture or storage
      Fat rendering
      Fertilizer manufacture
      Garbage, offal or dead animal reduction
      Glue manufacture
      Petroleum refining; wholesale storage of petroleum products
      Smelting of tin, copper, zinc or iron ores
      Stockyards or slaughter of animals
      Varnish manufacture
(Ord. 552, passed - -62; Ord. 855, passed 10-7-86; Ord. 1314, passed 7-17-06) Penalty, see § 10.99