Front yard regulations for Single-Family Dwelling Districts shall be as set forth below. Each lot upon which a dwelling is constructed shall have a front yard of not less than 20 feet in depth except as follows: the front yard depth for a principal building located on a lot 70 feet measured along the street line from the front corners of the lot under consideration, to any portion of two or more lots in the same block and which lots are occupied by dwellings that front on the same street as the proposed principal dwelling, shall be the average front yard depth of such existing dwellings. In computing such front yard depths existing buildings with front yard depths greater than 50 feet and a building with a front yard depth less than 20 feet shall be assumed to have a depth of 20 feet.
(Ord. 552, passed - -62; Ord. 855, passed 10-7-86) Penalty, see § 10.99