§ 94.08 KENNELS.
   (A)   License; fee; sanitation requirement. 
      (1)   It is unlawful for any person to operate a kennel or place for raising, training or boarding of dogs or cats for hire or profit in the city without first securing a license therefor.
      (2)   The annual fee for such license shall be an amount to be determined from time to time by the city.
      (3)   Every owner or operator of a kennel or place for the raising, training or boarding of dogs or cats for profit shall cause the same to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and shall permit the health officer to inspect or cause to be inspected said kennel at any reasonable time.
(‘82 Code, § 6.12.010)
   (B)   Frontage consent requirement in residential district. No person shall maintain, conduct or operate any such kennel within a residential district of the city without first securing the written consent of those persons owning residential property within 500 feet of the proposed kennel.
(‘82 Code, § 6.12.020)
(Ord. 785, passed - -82) Penalty, see § 94.99