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   Every owner or other person having care and control of any animal shall provide the following for each animal under his or her care and control:
   (a)   Sufficient nutritious and wholesome food, served to the animal in clean containers, to maintain the animal in good health;
   (b)   Sufficient clean and wholesome water, served to the animal in a clean container, such water to be reasonably available to the animal at all times;
   (c)   Adequate shelter, which shall allow the animal to remain dry and protected from the elements at all times and which shall provide either natural or artificial shade for the animal to avoid direct sunlight. If the shelter is provided by enclosure, the enclosure shall allow for adequate ventilation; and
   (d)   Veterinary care as needed to prevent suffering. It is a defense to prosecution under subsection (c) that the animals are livestock animals kept in accordance with generally accepted and otherwise lawful animal husbandry or agriculture practices.
   (e)   Animals kept on or brought to day care center premises shall be in compliance with this chapter and with § 16-434 of this code.
(Ord. 23295-06-2018, § 1, passed 6-26-2018, eff. 7-6-2018)