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   (a)   Any violation, disobedience, omission, neglect, failure or refusal to comply with the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000 for each violation. Unless otherwise specifically stated in this chapter, any violation of this chapter that is punishable by a fine that does not exceed $500 does not require a culpable mental state, and a culpable mental state is hereby not required to prove any such offense. Unless otherwise specifically stated in this chapter, any violation of this chapter that is punishable by a fine that exceeds $500 shall require a culpable mental state as specified by § 6.02(c) of the Texas Penal Code. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
   (b)   If any person is found guilty of having violated § 6-61 of this chapter, any permit held by such person under this chapter shall be automatically revoked.
(Ord. 23295-06-2018, § 1, passed 6-26-2018, eff. 7-6-2018)