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   (a)   The provisions of this division apply to residential uses that will be used by persons with disabilities.
   (b)   The accommodation granted shall be considered personal to the individual(s) and shall not run with the land. If the structure is sold, or otherwise changes ownership, an accommodation granted to the previous owner is not transferable to the new owner. Notwithstanding, the accommodation shall be in force and effect as long as the person(s) or group of persons with disabilities for whom the accommodation was sought resides on the property that is the subject of the accommodation. It is the duty of the owner to notify the director of this event. The city shall allow the new owner an opportunity to renew and/or modify a granted reasonable accommodation in accordance with this division. In the event that the reasonable accommodation is not renewed or modified within 60 days from the date of change in ownership, the accommodation will lapse and the structure will have to comply with all requirements of this division.
   (c)   Nothing in this division will require the city to expend any funds to achieve a reasonable accommodation except and to the extent required by state or federal law.
   (d)   Nothing in this division will alter a person with disabilities' obligation to comply with other applicable federal, state and city regulations.
   (e)   The city shall prominently display a notice at the counter in the planning and development department advising those with disabilities or their representatives that they may request a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the procedures established in this division. A copy of the notice shall be available upon request.
(Ord. 22098-03-2016, § 1, passed 3-1-2016; Ord. 24023-01-2020, § 1 (Exh. A), passed 2-2-2020)