(a) Locations.
(1) Bicycle parking shall be located as close as or closer than the nearest car parking space to the building entrance, other than those spaces for persons with disabilities.
(2) Bicycle parking facilities shall not interfere with accessible paths of travel or accessible parking as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.
(3) A minimum of four feet from the required rack dimension shall be provided for pedestrian clearance when a rack is placed within a sidewalk or pedestrian right-of-way.
(4) Bicycle racks shall be located in highly visible and well-lit areas to minimize theft and vandalism.
(5) When automobile parking spaces are provided in a structured parking garage, all required bicycle spaces shall be located inside the garage on the ground level. Alternative layout and design of racks to maximize space may be administratively approved by the zoning administrator.
(6) Bicycle racks shall be protected by a physical barrier to prevent parked bicycles from damage by motor vehicles; such barriers include but are not limited to curbs, bollards, curb stops and similar objects.
(7) Alternative locations. In the event that compliance may not be feasible because of demonstrable hardship, the zoning administrator may approve an alternative locationsubject to the following conditions:
a. Alternative locations shall be well lit and secure.
b. All bicycle parking spaces shall be located within a 100 foot diameter of the primary building entrance.
c. Bicycle racks may be placed in the public right-of-way provided that the building owner obtains an encroachment permit for the installation of racks in the public right-of-way.
(b) Layout and design.
(1) Bicycle rack design. Structures that require a user-supplied locking device shall be designed in conformance with the following:
a. Each bike rack shall be designed to accommodate two bike parking spaces using the allowed bike rack designs depicted below.
b. Racks shall be designed to accommodate “U”-shaped locking devises and to supports the bicycle horizontally in two places.
c. The racks shall be constructed of durable materials to withstand permanent exposure to the elements such as powder-coated metal or stainless steel.
d. All bicycle parking spaces must be hard-surfaced and dust free and consist of at minimum a compact gravel base.
e. A wave or loop style bicycle rack may be used in public and private K-12 schools provided the installation provides a minimum of three feet pedestrian clearance on all sides.

(2) Bicycle parking space size, access aisles and vertical clearance.
a. Racks shall provide clearance from other objects by using layout dimensions of at least four feet wide by six feet long as depicted below.
b. A property requiring a change of use permit may provide a reduced three feet wide by six feet long clearance from other objects.

(3) Signage. In cases where bicycle parking spaces are not visible from the primary street, signage shall be used to direct cyclists safely to bicycle parking areas. (Manual for Uniform Traffic Devices sign D4-3)

(4) Securely anchored. All bicycle racks and lockers shall be securely anchored to the ground using a concrete footing and tamper-proof spike anchors.
(c) Bicycle parking requirement. The number of bicycle parking racks shall be based on the required automobile parking spaces and shall be provided in accordance with the following with fractional requirements for bike parking over one-half to be rounded up:
New nonresidential and change of use permits (enlargement, expansion or conversion of an existing building of 5,000 square feet floor area or greater) | 0—40 required auto spaces = 1 rack minimum |
41—60 required auto spaces = 2 rack minimum | |
61—80 required auto spaces = 3 rack minimum | |
81—100 required auto spaces = 4 rack minimum | |
101—300 required auto spaces = 5 rack minimum | |
over 300 required auto spaces = 2% or 8 rack maximum | |
Change of use permits (enlargement, expansion or conversion of an existing building) between 1,000—4,999 square feet of gross floor area | 1 rack minimum |
Multi-family residential (5+ dwelling units) | 0.10 spaces for every bedroom mixed-use, urban residential and form-based districts |
Public and private K-12 schools | 1.5 bicycle parking spaces for every 20 students of planned capacity |
(1) The following uses are exempt from this section: accessory uses; agricultural; industrial uses; lodging; one to four-family dwelling units; temporary uses; utilities; vehicle sales and service and multi-family (4+ dwelling units) outside of Mixed-Use, Urban Residential and Design Districts, Urban Residential, Urban Villages and Mixed-Use Zoning districts (from 4.800).
(2) Bicycle parking for health care facilities shall be calculated using required employee automobile parking.
(3) Land uses not exempted from this requirement which have no minimum parking requirement shall provide bicycle racks based on actual automobile parking spaces provided.
(4) Bicycle parking shall not count toward the tree requirement for exceeding maximum allowable parking.
(5) The number of required and provided automobile parking spaces and bicycle parking racks should be shown in a chart format on the building permit site plan. A reduction in the minimum required automobile parking is allowed equal to the percentage of bicycle spaces provided, with a five percent maximum reduction.
(6) In all cases where bicycle parking is required, no fewer than two spaces (one rack) shall be required.
(7) Bicycle parking is not required in the Central Business (“H”) District if the property falls within 500 feet of an existing bicycle rack.
(Ord. 19428-11-2010, § 1, passed 11-9-2010; Ord. 21358-08-2014, §§ 1—3, passed 8-5-2014, eff. 8-12-2014)