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Editor’s note:
   For parking requirements in the “AG,” “CF,” “MH,” “A,” “AR,” “”B,” “R1,” “R2,” and “ER” districts, see the “other development standards” section for the district.
   (a)   Generally. The regulations in this article shall apply to required parking spaces and non-required parking spaces with the exception of public parks. Nothing in this article shall require additional parking spaces to be furnished for an existing building that is repaired, altered, maintained or modernized, where no structural alterations have been made and the size of the building is not increased.
   (b)   Enlargement or change in use.
      (1)   For existing buildings that are enlarged, additional parking spaces shall be required for the enlarged portion only.
      (2)   Parking spaces furnished for a building constructed prior to March 1, 1953, that are in excess of the requirements for the building under the provisions of Ord. 3041, may be counted toward the additional spaces required for a change in use, expansion of an existing use or a new building on the premises.
      (3)   When the occupancy of any building is changed to another use, parking shall be provided to meet the requirements of this article for the new use.
      (4)   Nothing in this article shall require the furnishing of additional parking spaces for existing buildings which are not enlarged or changed to a new use.
   (c)   Plan required. Where off-street parking is required, except for one-, two-, three- or four-family dwellings, a plan approved by the city traffic engineer, showing the location and arrangement of spaces, shall be furnished to the planning and development department, accompanied by sufficient proof of ownership, lease or other arrangement as will show that the spaces contemplated will be permanent. Any future changes in parking arrangements must be approved by the planning and development department.
   (d)   District “H” exempt from parking requirements. No off-street parking shall be required for development in the “H” district.
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 17522, §§ 5, 6, passed 4-24-2007; Ord. 18208-07-2008A, § 1, passed 7-29-2008)
   (a)   Calculation of parking.
      (1)   Where permanent seating is not provided in any public assembly area, the occupant load shall be computed in accordance with the
appropriate section of the building code in effect at time of occupancy, except as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance.
      (2)   All parking requirements applying to a stated unit of measurement shall be understood to include a parking space for each unit or fraction thereof.
   (b)   Required off-street parking.
      (1)   Minimum parking requirements. The following table establishes the minimum parking requirements for uses located in residential zoned property or within 250 feet of one- or two-family zoned property. This regulation shall not include properties adjacent to one- or two-family districts that are used as utilities, waterways, railroad right-of-way or other nonresidential public use. When a property
zoned and used for one- or two-family residential purposes is located within 250 feet but is separated by one of the above uses, parking is not required only if access is not possible to the residential area. For all other uses, no minimum parking spaces shall be required.
      (2)   Maximum parking requirements. The maximum number of parking spaces shall not exceed 125% of the minimum parking requirement for all uses listed in the table set out below. Parking in excess of the maximum shall be allowed by meeting the requirement of one tree above the minimum required under Chapter 6, Article 3, for every additional ten parking spaces beginning with the first additional parking space and for each ten spaces thereafter.
Residential unit: one-family up to four family
1 to 4 spaces per dwelling unit (see individual districts for details)
Multifamily residential (unified residential development)
1 space per bedroom plus 1 space per 250 square feet of common areas, offices and recreation (less laundry rooms and storage); 2 spaces may be tandem if assigned to the same unit and restricted from use for storage
Public and Civic
College or university
1 space per 2 teachers and administrative staff plus 1 space per 4 additional employees plus 1 space per 3 students residing on campus plus 1 space per 5 students not residing on campus
Day care, kindergarten
1 space per facility plus 1 space per 10 children (as licensed by the state) in back of front building line
Fraternity, sorority
1 space per 2 residents
1 space per bed for patients/visitors/doctors plus 1 space per 4 nurses/other employees
Medical clinic, health services facility, assisted living facility
1 space per doctor plus 1 space per 4 employees plus 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Nursing home or medical care facility
1 space per 4 beds for visitors/doctors plus 1 space per 4 nurses/other employees
Place of worship
1 space per 4 seats in sanctuary or worship area in residential districts
1 space per 5 seats in sanctuary or worship area in nonresidential and mixed-use districts
School, elementary and junior high (public or private)
2.5 spaces per classroom
School, high school (public or private)
1 space per 2 students plus 1 space per 5 stadium seats (may be double counted)
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Bed and breakfast home
2 spaces per owner/operator
1 space per bedroom for guests
Bed and breakfast inn
2 spaces per owner/operator plus 1 space per bedroom for guests plus 1 space per 2 employees plus 1 space to service additional traffic
Boarding or lodging house
1 space for proprietor plus 1 space per 2 boarding/lodging sleeping rooms plus 1 space per each 4 employees
Bowling alley
4 spaces per lane/alley plus 1 space per 4 seats of restaurant or café plus 1 space per 4 employees
Commercial business, retail sales and service (except large retail see § 5.134(a)(10))
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet (25% reduction for conversion from a more restricted use)
Construction sales office
2 spaces per unit behind front property line
Farmers’ markets
2 spaces per table/booth
1 space per bedroom unit plus 1 space per 4 patron seats in rooms open to public plus 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of display/ballroom area
Mobile vendor food court
2 spaces minimum per vendor/truck
4 spaces maximum per vendor/truck
Model home
2 spaces per unit behind front property line
Office, professional building
2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Outdoor amusement (for more than 3 days)
1 space per 5 participants/spectators based on maximum capacity
Private club, cocktail lounge
1 space per guest room or suite plus 1 space per 4 seats plus 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of ballroom available to nonresidents plus 1 space per 4 employees
Restaurant, cafeteria
1 space per 100 square feet (25% reduction for conversion from a more restricted use)
Retail store, large
See § 5.134(a)(10)
Theater, auditorium, place of public assembly
1 space per 4 seats in main auditorium plus 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of ballroom/similar area plus 1 space per 4 employees
Walkup business
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Industrial building
2 spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area or 1 space per 3 employees, whichever is greater
Warehouse building
1 space per 4 employees
4 spaces minimum
      (3)   Exception. Properties designated as historic and cultural landmark or highly significant endangered or listed on the National Register of Historic Places are not subject to the required off- street parking requirements set forth in this section.
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 14331, § 7, passed 9-5-2000; Ord. 15911, § 2, passed 3-11-2004; Ord. 16086, § 1, passed 8-17-2004; Ord. 17024, § 1, passed 6-20-2006; Ord. 18129, § 1, passed 6-3-2008; Ord. 20453-10-2012, § 1, passed 10-9-2012; Ord. 20510-12-2012, § 2, passed 12-4-2012, eff. 12-11-2012; Ord. 20666-03-2013, § 2, passed 3-19-2013, eff. 4-9-2013; Ord. 22255-06-2016, § 1, passed 6-7-2016; Ord. 23930-11-2019, § 1, passed 11-12-2019)
   (a)   Space size. The following minimum standards shall apply to the width and length of parking spaces.
Standard parking space
9 feet
18 feet*
Parallel parking space
8 feet
22 feet
*   Parking spaces adjacent to landscape areas may project into the landscape area and be reduced to 16 feet in length when separated from the landscape area by curbing or approved wheel stops.
   (b)   Angle parking size. The standards for the minimum width of parking spaces plus the aisle are shown in the following table. These standards apply to a single row of head-in parking or two rows of head-in parking sharing an aisle. See the illustrations below.
Width: 1 Row Sharing Aisle
Width: 2 Rows Sharing Aisle
90 degree angle parking
42.0 feet
60.0 feet
60 degree angle parking
34.6 feet
54.7 feet
45 degree angle parking
31.1 feet
50.0 feet
30 degree angle parking
28.8 feet
45.6 feet
   Parking Lot Layout Dimensions
   (c)   Driveways.
      (1)   When driveways are less than 20 feet in width, marked separate entrances and exits shall be provided so that traffic shall flow in one direction only.
      (2)   Entrances and exits to an alley may be provided if prior approval is obtained in writing from the transportation and public works department.
      (3)   The location of ingress and egress driveways shall be subject to approval of the city traffic engineer under curb cut or laid down curb permit procedures.
      (4)   Except for unified residential development in accordance with § 6.506, driveways designated as fire lanes shall meet the standards of the fire code.
   (d)   Maneuvering space.
      (1)   Maneuvering space shall be located completely off the right-of-way of a public street, place or court, except for on-street parking approved by the traffic engineer.
      (2)   Parking areas that would require the use of public right-of-way for maneuvering shall not be acceptable as required off-street parking spaces other than for one- and two-family dwellings, except for on-street parking approved by the traffic engineer.
      (3)   Parking parallel to the curb on a public street shall not be substituted for off-street parking requirements, except as provided for in an “MU-1” or “MU-2” mixed-use district.
   (e)   Parking surface.
      (1)   Minimum required parking spaces must be hard-surfaced and dust free, except in instances where the adjacent street is unpaved, in which case the drives and parking spaces shall be hard-surfaced within one year after all adjacent streets are paved. Fire lanes and ADA spaces may not be constructed with porous surfaces.
      (2)   [Reserved.]
      (3)   [Reserved.]
      (4)   a.   Hard surface parking is not required for:
            1.   Non-passenger vehicles and tractor trailers for industrial uses; and
            2.   Motor vehicle inventory for sale.
         b.   All parking must be, at a minimum, on a compacted gravel base.
      (5)   Minimum required parking spaces must be hard-surfaced and dust free, except in instances where the adjacent street is unpaved, in which case the drives and parking spaces shall be hard-surfaced within one year after all adjacent streets are paved. Fire lanes and ADA spaces may not be constructed with porous surfaces.
      (6)   All driveways must be hard-surfaced and dust free. Driveways for one- and two-family uses may, at a minimum, consist of compacted gravel base. Any base product must be contained within a border and maintained, including circular and ribbon drives.
      (7)   No parking for one- and two-family uses shall be permitted within the front yard, as measured between the front property line and the closest location on the structure, other than as provided on the driveway. Driveway coverage, including ribbon drives, shall not exceed 50% of the front yard, and any additional parking on the property shall be provided on the driveway. Circular drives shall not exceed 65% maximum coverage. Parking pads are permitted if they are attached to the primary driveway and constructed of the same material, and shall be included in the calculation of driveway coverage.
   (f)   Off-site auxiliary parking. If sufficient parking is not available on the premises, a private parking lot may be provided within 500 feet, either on property zoned for that purpose or on approval as a special exception by the board of adjustment subject to the following conditions.
      (1)   The parking must be subject to the front yard setback requirements of the district in which it is located.
      (2)   The parking area must be hard surfaced and dust free (except as provided in subsection (e) above).
      (3)   A six-foot screen fence and bufferyard must be provided on all sides adjacent to a residential district in accordance with § 6.300.
      (4)   Area lights must be directed away from adjacent properties.
      (5)   The lot, if adjacent to a residential district, must be chained and locked at night.
   (g)   Accessible parking.
      (1)   Number of spaces required. When parking lots or garage facilities are provided, either in accordance with parking requirements or voluntarily, accessible parking spaces shall be provided according to the table below, except for the following uses.
         a.   For general and long term hospitals, nursing and care homes, and philanthropic medical care uses, any of which specializes in the treatment of persons with mobility impairments, 20% of the parking spaces provided shall be accessible.
         b.   For offices, professional and commercial uses, eleemosynary institutions and doctors’ clinics, any of which provides outpatient medical care, 10% of the parking spaces provided shall be accessible.
         c.   For multifamily dwellings and apartment hotels containing accessible or adaptable dwelling units as specified by the building code, 2% of the parking spaces shall be accessible. Where parking for such uses is provided within or beneath a building, accessible parking spaces shall also be provided within or beneath the building.
Total Parking Spaces in Lot or Garage
Minimum Required Accessible Spaces*
Total Parking Spaces in Lot or Garage
Minimum Required Accessible Spaces*
2% of total spaces*
Over 1,000
20 spaces plus 1 space for every 100 spaces, or fraction thereof, over 1,000*
*   One van accessible parking space shall be provided for every 8 accessible parking spaces or fraction thereof.
      (2)   Variances. The board of adjustment’s authority is limited to considering variances from the number of accessible parking spaces and van accessible parking spaces required. Accessible parking spaces, van accessible parking spaces and passenger loading zones shall be located and installed as specified in the building code. Variances, as to these items, must be addressed through the process described in the building code.
      (3)   Restriping parking areas. When parking areas are restriped, the provisions of this subsection (g)(3) shall apply. When restriping is done voluntarily to existing parking for the purpose of installing accessible spaces, city staff may allow a reduction in the number of parking spaces required by this section in accordance with the table below when necessary to provide the accessible spaces. Plans for the restriping must be submitted to the planning and development department for review and approval before work begins.
Total Required Parking Spaces
Allowed Reduction Not to Exceed
1 space
2% of total spaces
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 15827, § 1, passed 1-13-2004; Ord. 15924, §§ 1, 2, passed 3-23-2004; Ord. 17522, §§ 5, 6, passed 4-24-2007; Ord. 18208-07-2008A, § 2, passed 7-29-2008; Ord. 18208-07-2008B, § 1, passed 7-29-2008)
Editor’s note:
   For additional restrictions on auxiliary parking in the “ER” district, see § 4.900(d).
   (a)   Applicability. All buildings (except one-family, two-family, three-family or four-family dwellings) hereafter erected, reconstructed or enlarged so as to require additional parking spaces, except in district “H,” shall have adequate permanent off-street facilities providing for the loading and unloading of merchandise and goods within or adjacent to the building, in such a manner as not to obstruct the freedom of traffic movement on the public rights-of-way.
   (b)   Loading facility design standards.
      (1)   The minimum distance from the loading dock to the right-of-way line shall be 60 feet. Such space shall be submitted on a plan and approved by the director of traffic engineering and the planning and development department.
      (2)   The minimum distance above may be reduced by the approval of the director of traffic engineering and the planning and development department under unusual circumstances.
      (3)   Loading space shall be in addition to all required vehicular parking.
      (4)   All loading facilities shall be screened in accordance with § 6.301(d).
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 17522, § 5, passed 4-24-2007)