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   Probation or parole offices may be permitted in accordance with the use tables in Chapter 4, Articles 6 and 8, subject to the following.
   (a)   Unless located in a building, other structure or land under the control, administration or jurisdiction of a state or federal agency, parole or probation offices shall be permitted only in the “FR” district and less restrictive zoning districts.
   (b)   Regardless of the zoning, parole or probation offices shall not be located within 500 feet of any one- or two-family residential district.
   (c)   Nonconforming parole or probation offices located in leased facilities shall be permitted to continue in operation only during the term of the existing lease. Upon expiration of the existing lease, the nonconforming use shall no longer be permitted.
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999)