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   (a)   Platting required.
      (1)   Any owner of a tract of land within the city or its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ), which is to be divided into two or more parts for the purposes of laying out a subdivision of the tract or parcel; laying out lots for building or other land uses; or laying out streets, alleys, parks, public squares or other parcels and lots intended to be dedicated to the public use or for the use of the purchasers or owners of such lots fronting on or adjacent to the public use must prepare a subdivision plat for the review, approval and recording by the city.
      (2)   The entire original tract must be platted if any remainder or proposed lot is less than five acres.
   (b)   Platting exempt.
      (1)   A division of land within the city or the ETJ shall be exempt from the platting regulations where the division of land is into parts all greater than five acres each, each part has access to a public street, and no public improvement is being dedicated. Any parcel requiring a city permit must first be platted and record in accordance with this chapter, provided however said platting requirement may be waived in accordance with the procedures in Article VIII of this chapter.
      (2)   No division of land, regardless of size, may be left in a configuration that would prevent it from being platted in compliance with the adopted subdivision ordinance.
   (c)   Multiple plat filing prohibited. Multiple preliminary plats may not be filed on the same property for the purpose of simultaneous consideration by the city plan commission.
(Ord. 17794, § 6, passed 9-25-2007; Ord. 17851, § 1 (App. C, Ch. 3, Art. I), passed 10-30-2007; Ord. 19156-05-2010, § 1, passed 5-18-2010; Ord. 20382-09-2012, § 1, passed 9-11-2012)