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   The city plan commission, referred to as “commission,” shall exercise all of the powers of approval, disapproval and vacation of plats and plans, as provided by state statutes and the City Charter and ordinances. The commission may delegate to the director and director’s designee, the authority to conditionally approve plats, and the authority to grant waivers of the provisions of this chapter and continuances for construction plans. The director may refer any matter delegated to the director to the commission for a decision.
(Ord. 17851, § 1 (App. C, Ch. 1, Art. I), passed 10-30-2007; Ord. 23932-11-2019, § 1, passed 11-12-2019, eff. 11-22-2019; Ord. 24457-09-2020, § 1, passed 9-22-2020; Ord. 25055-09-2021, § 1, passed 9-21-2021)