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   (a)   Nonresidents individuals and nonresident institutions shall pay a nonresident user fee in order to borrow library materials or use library services of the Fort Worth Public Library. This fee shall not apply to nonresident city employees, nonresident donors, nonresident students and nonresident volunteers.
   (b)   Payment of nonresident individual and nonresident institution user fees shall not preclude payment of any regularly assessed fees which may be required for the use of library materials or library services.
   (c)   The library director shall establish a schedule of user fees for nonresident individuals and nonresident institutions.
   (d)   Nonresident status, and other policies relating to this section, shall be determined according to procedures established by the Fort Worth public library.
(Ord. 9317, § 1, passed 2-12-1985; Ord. 9529, § 1, passed 12-12-1985; Ord. 12059, § 1, passed 8-3-1995; Ord. 20993-10-2013, § 7, passed 10-15-2013)