(A)   A paramedic ambulance shall be on the scene of each life-threatening emergency call as determined by the dispatcher at the time of the call, in accordance with regulations, within eight minutes on 90% of all calls originating within the metropolitan area shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A. In areas outside the metropolitan area the best efforts shall be made to arrive on the scene within eight minutes. For all presumptively designated life-threatening emergencies, through notification of the fire or police department, best efforts will be made to place a first responder unit on the scene within four minutes.
   (B)   For each presumptively defined life-threatening emergency call exceeding eight minutes, the ambulance authority shall provide a general summary and the action it has taken to reduce the number of responses beyond eight minutes in similar circumstances in its annual report.
   (C)   To provide prompt initial care, a first responder program shall be developed by the Medical Director with the assistance of the EMS Foundation, the ambulance authority and other agencies and parties providing emergency care. This system shall have a goal of on-scene response within four minutes.
   (D)   The ambulance service system shall be operated to reduce to the lowest figure reasonably attainable any discrepancies in response time throughout the city and county.
   (E)   The ambulance authority shall contractually establish response time for all non-life-threatening emergency calls, but they shall not be more stringent than that required for life-threatening emergency calls. ('74 Code, § 9-51) (Ord. G-16-82, passed 7-27-82)