(A)   The provisions of this section apply to all businesses where above or below ground tanks are located.
   (B)   The owner, occupant or representative of the business where above or below ground tanks are located shall register with an informational permit when installing, removing, abandoning in place, and/or placing temporarily out of service issued by the Fort Wayne Fire Department Code Enforcement Division. The permit must be made available upon request of a Fire Department official.
   (C)   The owner, occupant or representative of the business must submit the following information for each site having above or below ground tanks:
      (1)   Name of the business;
      (2)   Name of business owner;
      (3)   Address; location of storage on property to be included;
      (4)   Number of tanks located at the site;
      (5)   Name of the person responsible for the tanks;
      (6)   Address and phone number of person/company responsible for the tanks.
   (D)   The owner, occupant or representative of the business must submit the following information for each site when installing, removing, abandoning in place, or placing temporarily out of service, above or below ground tanks:
      (1)   Name of the business;
      (2)   Name of business owner;
      (3)   Address of installation or removal;
      (4)   Number of tanks installing or removing;
      (5)   Name of the company responsible for the tanks installation and/or removal;
      (6)   Address and phone number of said company.
   (E)   Enforcement of provisions.
      (1)    The Fire Department shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the terms of this section.
      (2)   If the contractor, entity, company or individual performing the service fails to register as required they are in violation of division (D) above and the penalty shall be $250. Notice of violation shall be left with the contractor, entity, company, individual or other agent in charge. If the violator fails to appear in response to a notice issued after 30 calendar days from the date and time shown the penalty shall be $300.
(Ord. G-23-14, passed 11-18-14)