(A)   Any person who is adversely affected by land-disturbing activities may file a petition with the governing body, or with the permit issuing authority having jurisdiction thereof, alleging a violation of this subchapter. Within ten days after the receipt of a complaint, or by its own volition, the governing body shall conduct an investigation to determine if on-site or off-site damage has occurred as a result of such erosion.
   (B)   If it is determined that a violation does exist, the governing body will take the following actions:
      (1)   Notify all parties of results of the investigation;
      (2)   Recommend corrective action to violator; and
      (3)   If no corrective action is taken within 30 days upon receipt of a certified mail notification, necessary legal action will be taken.
(Prior Code, § Q-11-106) (Ord. 989, passed - -) Penalty, see § 159.999