Whenever it is necessary to break through existing pavement for excavation purposes and where trenches are to be four feet or over in depth, the pavement in the base shall be removed at least six inches beyond the outer limits of the subgrade that is to be disturbed in order to prevent settlement, and a six- inch shoulder of undisturbed material shall be provided in each side of the excavated trench. The face of the remaining pavement shall be approximately vertical. A saw shall be used so as to permit complete breakage of concrete pavement or base without ragged edges. Asphalt paving shall be scored or otherwise cut in a straight line. No pile driver may be used in breaking up the pavement.
(Prior Code, § K-5-16) Penalty, see § 151.999
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL §§ 9-30-1 and 9-45-1