The property owner, renter or person removing snow or ice from any sidewalk, public or private driveway, parking lot or parking area shall not dispose of accumulated snow and ice from such property in any of the following manners:
   (A)   Snow and ice shall not be deposited on any sidewalk;
   (B)   Snow and ice shall not be deposited so as to obstruct or interfere with the passage or vision of vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
   (C)   Snow or ice shall not be deposited upon any public street or alley except in the General Commercial District, where buildings are constructed on the property line along any street and the city stockpiles and removes the snow from the streets;
   (D)   Blocking the access to a fire hydrant; or
   (E)   Blocking the access to a mailbox.
(Prior Code, § K-3-7) (Ord. 979, passed - -) Penalty, see § 151.999