The following uses may be allowed by special use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 22 of this title:
Bed and breakfast operations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 24 of this title.
Commercial feedlots.
Commercial stables.
Kennels, in accordance with the state code of Iowa.
Livestock sales.
Quarries, mining.
Telecommunications towers, in accordance with chapter 28 of this title.
Veterinary clinics. (Ord. C-405, 8-17-2004)
A. Every single-family detached dwelling hereafter erected shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than five (5) acres, or two hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred (217,800) square feet. Minimum lot width shall be not less than two hundred feet (200').
B. All nonresidential principal uses of buildings as permitted in this district shall be located on a lot of not less than five (5) acres, or two hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred (217,800) square feet. Minimum lot width shall be not less than two hundred feet (200'). (Ord. C-405, 8-17-2004)
No building shall be erected or enlarged unless the following yards are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement:
A. Front Yard: A front yard of not less than forty feet (40').
B. Side Yards:
1. On each lot upon which a dwelling is constructed, there shall be a side yard on each side of the principal building of not less than twenty feet (20').
2. On each lot upon which a permitted nonresidential building or structure is erected or enlarged, there shall be a side yard of not less than twenty feet (20') on each side of the principal building or structure.
C. Rear Yard: A rear yard of not less than forty feet (40'). (Ord. C-405, 8-17-2004)