(A) The subdivider shall, within one year from the date of approval of the preliminary plat, unless the time period has been extended, prepare and file with the City Clerk, 20 copies of the final plat and required attachments, as set forth in this title. Except for a final plat for a minor subdivision as set forth herein, no final plat shall be considered by the governing body until and unless a preliminary plat for the area included in the proposed final plat has been approved and has not expired and become void as set forth hereinabove.
(B) One of the copies submitted shall be a permanent copy or a photographic print made on a stable plastic film.
(C) The final plat shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or larger. Sheet size shall be no greater than 18 inches by 24 inches, not smaller than eight and one-half inches by 11 inches and shall be of a size acceptable to the County Auditor. If more than one sheet is used, each sheet shall clearly show the number of the sheet, the total number of sheets included in the plat, and match lines indicating where other sheets adjoin.
(D) The final plat shall be clearly marked “final plat” and shall show the following:
(1) The name of the subdivision;
(2) Name and address of the owner and subdivider;
(3) Scale, and a graphic bar scale, north arrow and date of each sheet;
(4) All monuments to be of record, as required by Iowa Code Chapter 409;
(5) Sufficient survey data to positively describe the bounds of every lot, block, street, easement or other area shown on the plat, as well as the outer boundaries of the subdivided lands;
(6) All distance, bearing curve and other survey data, as required by Iowa Code Chapter 409;
(7) All adjoining properties shall be identified, and where the adjoining properties are a part of a recorded subdivision, the name of that subdivision shall be shown. If the subdivision platted is a resubdivision of a part or the whole of a previously recorded subdivision, sufficient ties shall be shown to controlling lines appearing on the earlier plat to permit an overlay to be made. Resubdivision shall be labeled as such in a subtitle following the name of the subdivision wherever the name appears on the plat;
(8) Street names and clear designation of public alleys;
(9) Block and lot numbers;
(10) Accurate dimensions for any property to be dedicated or reserved for public use, and the purpose for which such property is dedicated or reserved for public use;
(11) The purpose of any easement shown on the plat shall be confined to only those easements pertaining to public utilities, including gas, power, telephone, cable television, water, sewer; easements for ingress and egress; and the drainage easements as are deemed necessary for the orderly development of the land encompassed within the plat;
(12) All interior excepted parcels, clearly indicated and labeled, “not a part of this plat”;
(13) A strip of land shall not be reserved by the subdivider unless the land is of sufficient size and shape to be of some practical use or service as determined by the governing body;
(14) The minimum unadjusted acceptable error of closure for all subdivision boundaries shall be 1:10,000 and shall be 1:5,000 for any individual lot; and
(15) A statement by a registered land surveyor that the plat was prepared by the surveyor or under the surveyor’s direct personal supervision, signed and dated by the surveyor and bearing the surveyor’s Iowa registration number or seal; and, a sealed certification of the accuracy of the plat by the registered land surveyor who drew the plat.
(Ord. B-391, passed 1-4-1983)