(A) The subdivider shall prepare and file with the City Clerk 20 copies of the preliminary plat, drawn at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or larger. Sheet size shall not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches. Where more than one sheet is required, the sheets shall show the number of the sheet and the total number of sheets in the plat and match lines indicating where other sheets adjoin.
(B) One of the copies submitted shall be a permanent copy or a photographic print made on stable plastic film.
(C) The preliminary plat shall be clearly marked “preliminary plat” and shall show, or have attached thereto, the following:
(1) Title, scale, north point and date;
(2) Proposed name of the subdivision which shall not duplicate or resemble existing subdivision names in the county;
(3) The name and address of the owner and the name, address and profession of the person preparing the plan;
(4) A key map showing the general location of the proposed subdivision in relation to surrounding development;
(5) The names and locations of adjacent subdivisions and the names of record owners and location of adjoining parcels of unplatted land. A list of all owners of record of property located within 200 feet of the subdivision boundary shall be attached. Platted streets or alleys shall not be counted for the 200-foot measurement;
(6) The location of property lines, streets and alleys, easements, buildings, utilities, watercourses, tree masses and other existing features affecting the plat;
(7) Existing and proposed zoning of the proposed subdivision and adjoining property;
(8) Contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet in the general slope of the site is less than 10% and at vertical intervals of not more than five feet if the general slope is 10% or greater;
(9) The legal description of the area being platted;
(10) The boundary of the area being platted, shown as a dark line with the appropriate length of boundary lines and the approximate location of the property in reference to known section lines;
(11) The layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of proposed lots;
(12) The location, width and dimensions of all streets and alleys proposed to be dedicated for public use;
(13) The proposed names for all streets in the area being platted;
(14) Present and proposed utility systems, including sanitary and storm sewers, other drainage facilities, water lines, gas mains, electric utilities and other facilities;
(15) Proposed easements, showing locations, widths, purposes and limitations;
(16) Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semi-public or community purposes, or shown for such purpose in the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plan;
(17) A general summary description of any protective covenants or private restrictions to be incorporated in the final plat;
(18) Any other pertinent information as necessary; and
(19) The fee, as established by the governing body.
(Ord. B-391, passed 1-4-1983)