(A)   A combination of four vehicles is not allowed on the highways of this state, except for power units saddle mounted on other power units which shall be restricted to a maximum overall length of 65 feet.
   (B)   The maximum length of any motor vehicle or combination of vehicles operated on the highways of this state, unless subject to the maximum length provisions of division (C) below, are as follows.
      (1)   A single truck, unladen or with load, shall not have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, in excess of 40 feet.
      (2)   A single bus, unladen or with load, shall not have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, in excess of 40 feet; except that, buses constructed so as to contain a flexible part allowing articulation shall not exceed 61 feet.
      (3)   Except for combinations of vehicles, provisions for which are otherwise made in Iowa Code Chapter 321, no combination of a truck tractor and a semi-trailer coupled together or a motor truck and a trailer or semi-trailer coupled together unladen or with load, shall have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, in excess of 60 feet.
      (4)   However, a mobile home not in excess of 48 feet in length may be drawn by any motor vehicle, except a motor truck; provided that, the mobile home and its towing unit are not in excess of an overall length of 60 feet. For the purposes of this division (B)(4), a light delivery truck, panel delivery truck or “pickup” is not a motor truck. A portable livestock loading chute not in excess of a length of 13 feet including its hitch or tongue may be drawn by any vehicle or combination of vehicles; provided that, the vehicle or combination of vehicles drawing the loading chute is not in excess of the legal length provided for such vehicles or combinations.
      (5)   Combinations of vehicles coupled together which are used exclusively for the transportation of passenger vehicles, light delivery trucks, panel delivery trucks, pickup trucks, recreational vehicle chassis, and boats shall not exceed 65 feet in overall length. However, the load carried on a truck semi-trailer combination may extend up to three feet beyond the front bumper and up to four feet beyond the rear bumper.
      (6)   A combination of three vehicles coupled together, one of which is a motor vehicle, unladen or with load, shall not have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, in excess of 60 feet.
      (7)   A motor vehicle or combination of vehicles may be operated upon the highways of this state, irrespective of the length and weight limitations imposed by the laws of this state, if the motor vehicle or combination of vehicles is operated within the corporate limits of a city abutting a border of this state and such operations have been approved by ordinance of the City Council and if the length and weight of the motor vehicle or combination of vehicles is in conformity with the laws relating to length and weight of the abutting state on 7-1-1974. If a City Council has authorized such operation upon highways within the corporate limits, then the limit of travel for such motor vehicles or combination of vehicles within the state is extended to the commercial zones as described by federal regulations concerning interstate commerce, 49 C.F.R. §§ 1048.10, 1048.38 and 1048.101, as they exist on 7-1-1974.
      (8)   A semi-trailer shall not have a distance between the kingpin and the center of its rearmost axle in excess of 40 feet, except a semi-trailer used principally for hauling livestock, a semi-trailer used exclusively for hauling self-propelled industrial and construction equipment, or a semi-trailer used exclusively for the purposes described in division (B)(5) above. A semi-trailer which is a 1980 or older model having a distance between the kingpin and center of the rearmost axle of more than 40 feet may be operated on the highways of this state if a special overlength permit is obtained from the department for the vehicle. The special overlength permit shall be valid until the semi-trailer is inoperable.
   (C)   The maximum length of any motor vehicle or combination of vehicles operated on the highways of this state which are designated by the Transportation Commission shall be as follows.
      (1)   A trailer or semi-trailer, laden or unladen, shall not have an overall length in excess of 53 feet when operating in a truck tractor-semi-trailer combination.
      (2)   A trailer or semi-trailer, laden or unladen, shall not have an overall length in excess of 28 feet six inches when operating in a truck tractor- semi-trailer-trailer combination or truck tractor-semi- trailer-semi-trailer combination. When the semi- trailers in a truck tractor-semi-trailer-semi-trailer combination are connected by a rigid frame extension including a fifth-wheel connection point attached to the rear frame of the first semi-trailer, the length of the frame extension shall not be included when determining the overall length of the first semi-trailer.
      (3)   Power units designed to carry cargo, when used in combination with a trailer or semi-trailer shall not exceed 65 feet in overall length for the combination.
      (4)   In a combination of vehicles used principally for hauling livestock or a stinger-steered automobile transporter operating under this division (C)(4) and § 9-11-1(B) of this chapter, the combination of vehicles used principally for hauling livestock or the stinger-steered automobile transporter may depart from the designated highway system by the most direct route to points of pickup and delivery. Vehicles operating under this division (C)(4) are not exempt from posted size and weight restrictions on highway structures.
      (5)   A stinger-steered automobile transporter shall not have an overall length exceeding 75 feet; except that, the load may extend up to three feet beyond the front bumper and up to four feet beyond the rear bumper.
   (D)   Firefighting apparatus and vehicles operated during daylight hours when transporting poles, pipes, machinery or other objects of a structural nature which cannot be readily disassembled when required for emergency repair of public service facilities or properties are not subject to the limitations on overall length of vehicles and combinations of vehicles imposed under this section. However, for operation during nighttime hours, these vehicles and the load being transported shall be equipped with a sufficient number of clearance lamps on both sides and marker lamps at the extreme ends of the projecting load to clearly mark the dimensions of the load. A member of the state highway safety patrol shall also be notified prior to the operation of the vehicle.
   (E)   The state may adopt rules to designate highways, in addition to those designated under division (C) above, to which the overall length limitations imposed under division (C) above for vehicles and combinations of vehicles shall be applicable. However, rules adopted under this subsection are subject to Iowa Code Chapter 17A.
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Iowa Code § 321.457