It shall be the duty of the owner and/or operator of a sexually-oriented business to:
   (A)   Post conspicuous signs stating that no loitering is permitted on the property constituting the sexually-oriented business;
   (B)   Designate one or more employees to monitor the activities of persons on the property constituting the sexually-oriented business by visually inspecting such property at least once every hour or inspecting such property by use of video cameras and monitors;
   (C)   Provide lighting of the exterior premises of the property which constitutes the sexually-oriented business sufficient to provide for visual inspection or video monitoring to prohibit loitering, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, wine or beer or any other unlawful activity; and
   (D)   If used, video cameras and monitors shall operate continuously at all times the premises are open for business. The monitors shall be installed within an operator’s station or at a cash register where an employee is regularly present. Recordings shall be made and maintained for a minimum of 30 days. All recordings shall be made available for inspection and viewing upon request and without a warrant, to any law enforcement officer during regular business hours.
(Ord. C-439, passed 10-3-2006)