§ 4-3-13 REVOCATION.
   In the event the City Council is advised of circumstances indicating that the terms of its license or the terms of this chapter have been violated by the holder of a license granted under the terms of this chapter, the City Council may cause notice to be mailed to the person whose name and address are shown by the organization’s most recent filing to be the proper person, demanding that such person or other representative of the license holder appear for hearing at a set time, date and place to show cause why the license should not be revoked. After such hearing, if the City Council shall conclude that a violation has occurred and that the license should be revoked, it may revoke the license and no further solicitation of funds shall be conducted in the city by or on behalf of that organization for a period of at least one year. For purposes of this section, the actions of authorized employees, agents or representatives of a licensed organization in conducting solicitation of funds shall be deemed the actions of the organization. The actions available to the City Council pursuant to this section are in addition to such other actions as are available for violation of city ordinances.
(Ord. B-395, passed 1-18-1983)