No dangerous animal as defined in § 91.20 above shall be permitted to enter upon or into any of the following:
(A) The Fort Thomas Dog Park;
(B) Any public park; or
(C) Any public or private school building, property, yard or ground.
(Ord. O-13-2014, passed 11-3-14)
The Dangerous Animal Officer shall have the specific authority to impound any animal(s) upon witnessing a violation of this subchapter and to issue uniform citations to any offender. Dangerous Animal Officers shall possess the power to enter private property in the performance of their duties only if consent of the owner or occupant of the property is freely given, a search warrant is obtained or such exigent circumstances exist that a warrantless, non-consensual search is required, as determined by law enforcement officials.
(Ord. O-13-2014, passed 11-3-14)
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to limit, or prohibit application of any other public law or governmental regulation. Further, nothing in this subchapter shall in any manner limit the civil liability of any owner, possessor or guardian of any animal to any aggrieved person or damages.
(Ord. 0-18-88, passed 8-15-88; Am. Ord. 0-24-89, passed 10-2-89; Am. Ord. O-5-92, passed 2-3-92; Am. Ord. O-13-2014, passed 11-3-14)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PERSON. Any natural person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, or any combination thereof.
PIT BULL TERRIER. (Commonly known as pit bull dog) shall mean any dog which either:
(1) Is registered with the American Kennel Club as either an American Staffordshire Terrier or a Staffordsire Bull Terrier;
(2) Is registered with the United Kennel Club as an American Pit Bull Terrier;
(3) Conforms to either of the standards of the American Kennel Club for the American Staffordshire Terrier or the Staffordshire Bull Terrier which were published, with an example photograph, in the 15th Edition of the Complete Dog Book in 1977 and which are attached to Ordinance 0-17-88; or
(4) Has predominant physical characteristics which are those of either the American Staffordshire Terrier or the Staffordshire Bull Terrier indicated in the standards of the American Kennel Club which were published, with an example photograph, in the 15th Edition of the Complete Dog Book in 1977 and which are attached to Ordinance 0-17-88.
(Ord. 0-17-88, passed 8-15-88)
It is hereby determined that pit bull terriers have inherently vicious and dangerous propensities; and are potentially hazardous and unreasonably dangerous to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens, residents and inhabitants of the city.
(Ord. 0-17-88, passed 8-15-88)
(A) The ownership, location, maintenance, keeping, harboring or use of pit bull terriers in the city is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
(B) No person shall cause, permit, promote, aid, assist, encourage or engage in the ownership, location, maintenance, keeping, harboring or use of put bull terriers in the city unless such person is a veterinarian licensed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and engages in the business hereof, at the address indicated in the occupational license issued therefor, by the city.
(Ord. 0-17-88, passed 8-15-88) Penalty, see § 91.99
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL. Any vertebrate creature other than a human being.
ANIMAL OWNER. Any person who owns any animal; has a property right in any animal; or, has any animal in his/her custody, possession, maintenance, care or control. ANIMAL OWNER shall include any person who is temporarily boarding any animal or has any animal in his/her care, custody, control, maintenance or possession, and includes any person providing food, drink, space, or care to stray animals or animals otherwise running at large.
ANIMAL-RELATED NUISANCE. Circumstances in which animal ownership, maintenance or control creates, contributes to, or permits any of the following undesirable animal actions or conditions upon public or private property causing annoyance, discomfort or injury to the health and welfare of persons in the community:
(1) Molesting pedestrians or passing vehicles;
(2) Attacking or chasing people or other animals, with the exception of trespassers upon the private premises of the animal owner;
(3) Damaging public or private property, to include failure of the owner, keeper or walker of any animal to immediately remove any feces deposited by such animal upon any public or private property (other than the property of the owner, keeper or walker of the animal);
(4) Running at large while not being kept securely restrained by a leash or other device;
(5) Making noise in an excessive, continuous or untimely manner which is loud enough to be heard beyond the premises where the animal(s) is kept or harbored, so as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of any properties within the community;
(6) The existence of stench/offensive odor, or general unsanitary conditions in which the animal(s) is kept, so as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of any properties within the community or otherwise make their physical occupation uncomfortable.
(Ord. O-5-01, passed 4-2-01)