(a)    On-Street Parking. On-street parking spaces shall not be counted toward off-street parking spaces requirements except as may otherwise be provided in this Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)    More than One Use. Where there exists two (2) principal uses on the same lot, the parking requirements of each use shall be totaled to determine the number of spaces required.
   (c)    Driveway Space Meeting Parking Requirements. Entrances, exits, aisles, or driveways shall not be computed as part of the required area for off-street parking spaces, except in the case of single-family and two-family dwellings where driveways may be used in calculating the amount of off-street parking.
   (d)    Fractions. When a measurement of the number of required spaces results in a fractional number, any fraction must be rounded to the next highest whole number.
   (e)    Unlisted Uses. Off-street parking spaces for any use not specifically listed in Section 1145.05: Off-street Parking Schedule, shall be the same as for a similar permitted use in the particular zoning district, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
   (f)    Electric Vehicle Charging Station Spaces. Parking spaces that are restricted or otherwise dedicated to and provided with equipment solely for the purpose of charging electric vehicles shall count towards the total number of required off-street parking spaces on a space for space basis where required. Such parking spaces shall meet all other code requirements.
(Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)