(a)    Minimum Project Area. The minimum size for a PUD District shall be eight (8) contiguous acres. Smaller sites may be considered by the Planning Commission on the basis of their potential to meet the provisions in Sections 1141.01 and 1141.02.
   (b)    Relation to Streets. The PUD District shall be located and designed to conform with existing traffic patterns and limitations on the surrounding public streets.
   (c)    Utilities. The PUD District shall be served adequately by public facilities and services or the persons responsible for the proposed PUD shall be able to provide adequate services.
   (d)    Common Open Space. There shall be a minimum area equal to twenty percent (20%) of the PUD District reserved for use as common open space. The ownership of this common open space may either be transferred to a legally established homeowners' association or be dedicated to the City. Council may require the open space or specified portion of it to become part of the park system of the City. Also, see Section 1141.05: Recreational and Open Space Uses.
   (e)    Minimum Residential Lot and Building Requirements. Lot, setback and building requirements of the R-2 Mixed Residential District shall apply to the residential development within the PUD Residential District. However, to permit the efficient design of common open space areas:
      (1)    The lot area and lot coverage per dwelling unit may be reduced by not more than forty percent (40%).
      (2)    Lot widths may be varied.
      (3)    Building setback lines may be varied.
      (4)    Each foot of building height over the maximum height regulations shall cause the required distance between the building and the side and rear property line of the PUD District to be increased by one (1) foot.
      (5)    All areas designed for further expansion or not intended for immediate improvement shall be landscaped or maintained in a neat and orderly manner as specified by the Planning Commission.
   (f)    Ownership. The entire area proposed for the PUD District shall be owned, leased or controlled by a single individual, partnership or corporation.
   (g)    Uses. With an approved PUD, compatible residential, commercial, institutional, recreational and open space uses may be combined as will enhance the living environment of the planned development. All uses shall be arranged to be compatible with each other and not to adversely affect adjacent property and/or the public health and general welfare.
   (h)    Building and Use Arrangements. The design and development standards set forth in this Chapter are intended to provide considerable latitude and freedom in order to encourage variety in the arrangement of uses and of the location, bulk and shape of buildings, open space and landscape features. Buildings and uses shall be arranged, designed or located in order to screen and preserve uses within and nearby the PUD from adverse effects of uses within or nearby the PUD. The buildings and uses may be arranged in various groups, courts, sequences or clusters with open spaces organized and related to the buildings and space, and to maximize the peace and tranquility of the residents of the PUD and the nearby area, where applicable.
(Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)