(a)   Maintenance is the responsibility of the owner of the land on which the stormwater facilities are constructed unless the responsibility is assigned to an acceptable entity. Table 1 outlines the minimum standard of required maintenance. Failure to follow the minimum maintenance standard shall result in penalties as recommended by City officials.
   (b)   The storm water drainage system shall be designed to minimize and facilitate maintenance. Turfed side slopes shall be designed to allow lawn mowing equipment to easily negotiate them. Maintenance methods that promote soil erosion or worsening of silt runoff shall not be permitted and subject to penalty. Wet basins shall be provided with alternate outflows which can be used to completely drain the pool for sediment removal. (Pumping may be considered if drainage by gravity is not feasible.) Pre-sedimentation basins shall be included, where feasible, for localizing sediment deposition and removal. Access for heavy equipment shall be provided.
   (c)   Maintenance of storm water drainage facilities located on private property shall be the responsibility of the owner of that property. Before final plat approval or before issuance of a building permit is obtained from the City the applicant shall execute a maintenance agreement with the City guaranteeing that the applicant and all future owners of the property will maintain its storm water drainage system. Such agreement shall be recorded with the county recorder of deeds. The maintenance agreement shall include a schedule for regular maintenance of each aspect of the property's storm water drainage system and shall provide for access to the system for inspection by authorized personnel of the City. The maintenance agreement shall also stipulate that if the City notifies the property owner in writing of maintenance problems which require correction, the property owner shall make such corrections within thirty calendar days of such notification. If the corrections are not made within this time period the City may have the necessary work completed and assess the cost to the property owner.
   (d)   The operation and maintenance plan shall be filed with the Executive Director of Water and Sewer. At minimum, the operation and maintenance plan shall address the following activities (Table 1 may be used as a reference):
      (1)   Structural repairs;
      (2)   Dredging operations;
      (3)   Debris removal;
      (4)   'Housekeeping' and routine maintenance procedures (i.e. litter control, grass mowing, weed and bush removal);
      (5)   Nuisance control (i.e. fish stocking, aeration, and spraying for control of mosquitoes and vegetation);
      (6)   List of person(s) responsible for handling these maintenance responsibilities. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to provide the City with up to date contact information.
      (7)   Erosion and sediment control activities and devices. The City requires a bond to be filed by the property owner for maintenance of the erosion and sediment control as defined in Part 5 of the design manual.
   (e)   It shall be unlawful to fail to maintain a storm drainage system not in compliance with this section.
(Ord. 2008-45. Passed 9-2-08; Ord. 2017-47. Passed 6-5-17.)