Table 1. Minimum Standard for Drainage Facility Maintenance.
   If you have any of the following components listed in the top row you are required to complete the associated maintenance task as indicated by the marker.
Detention Basin Side- Slopes
Detention Basin Bottom
Detention Basin Inlets
Detention Basin Outlet or Outflow Control Structures
Onsite/Private Closed Drainage System, e.g. pipe, inlets
Open Drainage System, e.g. ditch, swales
Inspect for sediment accumulation
Remove sediment accumulation
Inspect for debris (dead vegetation and trash)
Clean debris
Inspect for erosion on banks and bottom
Reestablish permanent vegetation on eroded slopes
If permanent vegetation is not sufficient to control erosion, install structural erosion control (permit required)
Remove dead vegetation
Inspect for and remove invasive plant life
Replace stone rip-rap, not less than IDOT RR-5
Inspect structural elements during wet weather and compare to as-built plans (by a professional engineer).
Make adjustments or replacements as determined by annual wet weather inspection
Keep records of all inspections and maintenance activities. A reporting schedule shall be required for new or redevelopments.
Keep records of all costs for inspections, maintenance and repairs.
Professional engineer carry out emergency inspections upon identification of severe problems
(Ord. 2008-45. Passed 9-2-08.)