When a fire alarm system is installed and is to be interfaced to the Simplex #2088-8001 receiving panel at the Fire Department, the following criteria must be met:
   (a)   Either a Simplex fire alarm control panel must be installed; or
   (b)   If a control panel of a different manufacturer is installed, a Simplex #2080-9014 (4219-4) remote station connection panel must be used to interface the fire alarm panel to the receiving panel.
   (c)   A Simplex #2088-6001 Zone module must also be provided to be installed in the receiving panel to accommodate the new fire alarm system.
   No automatic dialing systems for fire alarms will be allowed.
(1977 Code § 26-502; Ord. 89-12. Passed 4-17-89; Ord. 90-14. Passed 2-19-90.)