1060.15 RECYCLING.
   (a)   Establishment of Program. There is hereby established in the City a curb-side recycling program for operation by the City or contractors of the City to provide for the separation of designated recyclable materials from normal household solid waste and for the placement of such materials in a specially designated 96 gallon toter which shall be used exclusively for the collection of recyclable materials. Placement of those materials shall be curb-side (or for door-step collection in the case of certain senior citizens or disabled persons) on the designated collection day for residential recycling.
   (b)   Provision of Containers; Ownership and Responsibility for Care. The contractor shall provide, at its cost, specially labeled recycling containers to each residential dwelling unit. The contractor shall maintain ownership of the containers. However, each residential dwelling unit shall be responsible for the normal and reasonable care of the recycling containers entrusted to the dwelling unit's care and for the replacement of containers which are damaged or lost through misuse, misplacement, theft or neglect.
   (c)   Placement and Storage of Containers. Recycling containers shall be stored on a residential dwelling unit's premises and may be placed at the dwelling unit's designated location for collection only during the time specified for household recycling collection.
   (d)   Collectible Materials. The City's recycling program shall provide, at a minimum, for the collection of household recyclables as designated by the contractor which are separated from the household waste stream and placed in a recycling toter for collection on a bi-weekly basis. Collection shall occur on the same day as regularly scheduled pick-up day however on a bi-weekly basis. Residents shall be notified, in writing or by public notice, of any change in recycling materials collected from residential dwelling units.
   (e)   Ownership of Materials Placed at Curb; Scavenging Prohibited. Once recyclable materials have been placed in and alongside recycling containers and set curb-side or at the designated collection point, such recyclable materials become the property of the City until lifted onto the contractor's truck or recycling vehicle, at which time such materials shall become the property and responsibility of the contractor. It shall be unlawful for persons, firms or corporations to remove any recyclable material set out or aside for collection. The Community Development Director shall strictly enforce this prohibition and levy fines for violations thereof as provided in Section 1060.99 .
   (f)   Cost of Collection. The cost of collection of recyclable materials shall be included within the base rate for household waste collection and disposal charged to residential dwelling units by the City. No additional charges shall be levied on any residential dwelling unit as a condition of recycling collection.
   (g)   Additional Collection Service. Institutions, firms, factories, businesses, commercial establishments and apartment complexes of more than six units may be included in the City's recycling program upon promulgation of rules and regulations by the City Manager and upon approval by City Council. However, mobile home parks not included in the City's residential household waste collection program shall adopt and implement a mandatory recycling program as aforesaid.
(1977 Code §§30-301 to 30-307; Ord. 90-51. Passed 6-18-90; Ord. 94-97. Passed 11-7-94; Ord. 98-27. Passed 6-1-98; Ord. 2020-05. Passed 2-3-20.)