(A)   Purpose. To provide appropriate locations where low density residential neighborhoods may be established, maintained and protected. The regulations permit, with proper controls, the establishment of public and semi-public uses such as churches, schools, libraries, parks and playgrounds and similar facilities which serve the requirements of families. On lots of one-half acre or larger, the zone gives protection to property owners who may keep livestock for their own use. The regulations are intended to prohibit those uses that would be harmful to a single-family residential neighborhood. Deed restrictions may be used to further limit uses in any zone. Single-Family Residential Zones should be attractively developed, landscaped and maintained for the benefit of residents and for visitors to the community.
   (B)   Allowable uses.
      (1)   Single-family dwellings, including permanently erected manufactured homes. See “manufactured home” and “mobile home” definition;
      (2)   Home gardens, fruit trees, the keeping of household pets but not the keeping of domestic animals, except as provided herein;
      (3)   Accessory building and uses;
      (4)   In connection with a single-family dwelling on lots of at least one-half acre, or larger, the keeping of domestic livestock animals for family or personal use but not on a commercial basis. A corral must not be closer than 50 feet to a residence; and
      (5)   On a lot of one acre or larger, a second dwelling is permitted.
   (C)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   School;
      (2)   Church;
      (3)   Park or playground;
      (4)   Public utilities and other community facilities;
      (5)   Multiple-family dwelling;
      (6)   Group home: a group home constituting a “residential facility” as defined in A.R.S. §§ 36-582 and § 501.15 shall be an allowable use under this section. Other group homes, and particularly those serving troubled youth, referrals from a state or county correctional authority, substance abusers, or those with a past history of violent behavior, including sexual violence, shall require a conditional use permit with such restrictions as may reasonably contribute to local land use planning in the interest of public health and safety. It shall in no case be closer than 600 feet from a public school, church or an establishment that has a bar liquor license in accordance with A.R.S. § 4-206.01. Complaints from neighbors will be assessed. Group homes serving elderly people shall be regulated by state statutes; and
      (7)   Any use similar to the above and judged by the Planning and Zoning Commission to be in harmony with the intent and purpose of the zone.
   (D)   Height requirements. No building or other structure shall be erected to interfere with solar rights of neighbor.
   (E)   Area, width and yard requirements for single-family dwellings.
Minimum District
Minimum Square Ft.
Minimum Lot Width
Lot Depth
80 feet
100 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
80 feet
100 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
80 feet
100 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
100 feet
120 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
100 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
100 feet
20 feet
10 feet
10 feet
   (F)   Modifying regulations.
      (1)   On corner lots, the front yard setback on the street side shall not be less than 20 feet, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, if it determines it will not have an adverse effect on the community.
      (2)   Private garages and accessory buildings located at least ten feet from a main dwelling may have a side yard setback of two feet from any interior lot line, but drainage from roof must fall on owner’s property.
      (3)   To the extent that mobile homes are presently located in the old R-1-A Zone, they shall be considered non-conforming uses and shall be subject to provisions and requirements of § 153.035. The only exception hereto shall be in the event of a conditional use as granted in conformity herewith.
      (4)   No building or structure housing animals or fowl on one-half or one acre lots shall be located closer than 50 feet to a dwelling unit on an adjacent lot. Pigs shall not be kept in any non-agricultural zone. Horses shall be permitted on property zoned residential; provided that, the property is one-half acre minimum. There is no maximum number of horses permitted, unless county regulations of density or number apply. Horses shall be for personal use only; horses used for commercial purposes may only be kept on land zoned for agricultural use. Horses must be kept a minimum of 50 feet from habitable dwellings on adjacent lots. If the horse can interfere with or impact the neighbor’s fence or property, the horse shall be kept a minimum of ten feet from the property line, unless the neighbor waives his or her right to enforce this particular requirement, in writing. In order to minimize the negative impact of odor and pests on neighbors, horse paddocks and corrals must be maintained a minimum of twice a week.
      (5)   A group home constituting a “residential facility” as defined in A.R.S. §§ 36-582 et seq. shall be an allowable use under this section. Other group homes, and particularly those serving troubled youth, referrals from a state or county correctional authority, substance abusers or those with a past history of violent behavior, including sexual violence, shall require a conditional use permit with such restrictions as may reasonably contribute to local land use planning in the interest of public health and safety. Group homes serving elderly people shall be regulated by state statutes.
(1974 Code, § 18-4-5) (Res. 99-016, passed 9-8-1999; Ord. 99-002, passed 9-8-1999; Ord. 11-002, passed 7-12-2011)