§ 1-16-219. LOT SIZE AND SHAPE.
   (A)   The size, width, depth, shape, orientation and yards of lots shall not be less than specified in the zoning ordinance for the district within which the lots are located and shall be appropriate for the type of development, the use contemplated and future utilities.
   (B)   The relation of the depth of any single- family lot to its width at the building restriction line shall not be greater than 5 to 1, unless topography, septic areas or well locations dictate otherwise.
   (C)   Panhandle lots.
      (1)   Panhandle lots are permitted in minor subdivisions.
      (2)   Panhandle lots may be approved by modification of the Planning Commission in major subdivisions only when it is determined by the Commission that “excellence of design” will be achieved or that such lots are inaccessible to the road due to odd shape and/or topographical constraints. In each case, the Planning Commission will determine “excellence of design” based on the spatial relationship of the panhandle lot to other lots and the public road. Only physical design criteria such as odd shape and road inaccessibility, topography, existing utilities, proposed and existing well and septic constraints (Health Department criteria) and natural or man-made features shall be used by the Planning Commission in granting modifications for panhandle lots in major subdivisions.
      (3)   Not more than 2 panhandle lots of any ownership may have adjoining entrances to a public right-of-way, except when common driveways are utilized, and then the number of panhandle lots may not exceed 4.
      (4)   The stacking of panhandle lots to form more than 2 tiers of lots is prohibited. However, provided that 1 of the following conditions is fulfilled, the multiple tiering of lots is permitted:
         (a)   Subject to Division staff approval of the BRL, the creation of up to 3 lots with appropriate BRL which prohibit the front-to-back stacking of home sites; or
         (b)   A note being placed on the final plat which indicates that houses will be constructed facing a common driveway so as to eliminate the fronts of houses facing into the backs of other houses, and the BRLs for such lots being oriented to a uniform front BRL parallel with a common driveway. This use of a plat notation and BRLs to mitigate the effects of tiering may be used on lots which are stacked up to 4 deep, including the remainder.
      (5)   Panhandle lots shall not be created which are unusable due to topographic or other natural features, with the exception of subdivision for an existing dwelling which has a usable driveway and for which a usable panhandle strip cannot be designed.
      (6)   A panhandle lot shall be distinguished from a taper lot in this way. A taper lot shall be defined as a lot in which the side lot lines emanating from the street do not break in direction before the minimum lot width is achieved. If the side lot lines break before these conditions are met, then such a lot will be defined as a panhandle lot, and therefore, will be subject to the design limitations presented in this chapter, except where side lot line breaks are necessitated by proposed septic area and well locations.
      (7)   Panhandles shall not exceed 1,800 feet in length in the agricultural, resource conservation, R-1 and R-3 zoning districts; 1,000 feet in length in the R-5 and R-8 zoning districts; or 700 feet in length in the R-12 and R-16 zoning districts. The length of panhandles in residential portions of floating zones and in commercial and industrial zoning districts should not exceed 700 feet and shall require Planning Commission approval. Panhandle length may exceed the maximum length noted above for the subdivision of a single lot around an existing dwelling constructed prior to July 17, 1992 provided that the dwelling is habitable, no additional lots or remainders will be created with a panhandle that exceeds the maximum panhandle lengths, and the panhandle incorporates the existing driveway serving the dwelling.
   (D)   Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to street lines, unless a variation from this rule will give a better street or lot plan or unless a variation from this rule will accommodate septic areas or wells as determined by the Division.
   (E)   Lots which abut 2 streets, other than corner lots, will be permitted only when necessary to avoid fronting lots on nonaccess streets and highways or where their use will produce advantages in meeting special situations in relation to topography, good site planning and proper land use.
   (F)   Lots shall not derive direct access from freeways or expressways. If lots front on arterial streets or highways, driveway access to the lots shall be derived from design standards shown under § 1-16-240 of this chapter.
   (G)   Minimum lot areas and widths shall comply with the applicable sections of the zoning ordinance.
(1959 Code, § 38A-74) (Ord. 80-4-156, § 1, 2-18-1980; Ord. 81-44-234, 12-22-1981; Ord. 92-14-049, 7-7-1992; Ord. 95-15-139, 8-1-1995; Ord. 96-06-158, 3-12-1996; Ord. 10-23-558, 10-19-2010; Ord. 12-25-620, 9-27-2012; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014)
Cross reference:
   Zoning, see Chapter 1-19