The following provisions shall apply to rustic retreat/camp/outdoor club in RC and A Districts.
   (A)   A minimum 10 acre lot size is required.
   (B)   Rustic retreat/camp/outdoor club with a planned capacity of 100 persons or more must have a minimum of 50 feet of frontage with access on a public road having a minimum pavement width of 20 feet to the nearest paved road. If the planned capacity is under 100 persons, there will be no specific road requirements other than the provisions contained in § 1-19-3.210(B)(5).
   (C)   The project will be designed so that an overall density of 3 persons per acre is not exceeded.
   (D)   Total impervious surface area for buildings and parking shall be limited to 4,000 square feet for every 1 acre of lot area up to a maximum of:
      (1)   3 acres for lots of 100 acres or less; or
      (2)   4 acres for lots between 101 and 250 acres; or
      (3)   5 acres for lots of 251 acres or larger.
   (E)   The requirements for all yards is 50 feet.
   (F)   One freestanding on-premises identification sign no more than 25 square feet in area and subject to a minimum setback of 15 feet is permitted.
   (G)   Parking shall be limited to that number required by zoning ordinance and co-located adjacent to the access drive. An increase in the number of parking spaces may be granted by the Planning Commission where the applicant can demonstrate need based on characteristics of the proposed use, hourly parking demand studies published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), or other documentation as approved by the Planning Commission. Parking approved beyond that number required by zoning ordinance shall be constructed of pervious materials.
   (H)   Permanent residential occupancy shall be limited to the resident owner, manager, or caretaker.
   (I)   Caretaker residence(s) is permitted as an accessory use to a rustic retreat/camp/outdoor club where a specific plan is presented and approved by the Board of Appeals.
   (J)   Within the RC District:
      (1)   The requirements of § 1-19-7.200 of this Code will be met.
   (K)   Insofar as practical at the time of site development plan review, the landscape shall be preserved in its natural state by:
      (1)   Minimizing tree and soil removal or disturbance;
      (2)   Retaining existing tree lines, forest buffers, and rock formations reducing visual impacts of development on surrounding properties and rights-of-way;
      (3)   Siting buildings to protect and enhance the visual relationship between buildings and the natural terrain;
      (4)   Reducing visual prominence of proposed structures by building adjacent to woodland edges and not in the center of open space areas on a proposed site;
      (5)   Avoiding building on ridge lines, unless alternative site locations are unavailable and existing forest buffers can be retained to reduce visual impacts;
      (6)   Opening up views only through selective tree and limb removal rather than clear cutting.
(Ord. 77-1-78, § 40-72(A-11), 1-24-1977; Ord. 82-19-263, 9-7-1982; Ord. 95-02-126, 3-2-1995; Ord. 08-26-502, 10-14-2008; Ord. 09-21-525, 6-4-2009; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014)