(A)   A volunteer fire, rescue or ambulance company authorized by the county under § 2-8-1 that operates as a component of the Frederick County fire and rescue system shall maintain its corporate and operational status in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2-8, § 2-8-1 and § 2-8-2 of the Code of Frederick County, Maryland, as amended.
   (B)   A volunteer fire, rescue or ambulance company shall:
      (1)   Provide emergency and non-emergency services within its designated primary service area.
      (2)   Respond in support of neighboring communities, Frederick County as a whole and jurisdictions with which a reciprocal mutual response agreement exists with Frederick County, Maryland.
   (C)   A volunteer fire, rescue or ambulance company shall operate in compliance with fire-rescue policies, procedures, rules and regulations that apply system-wide.
   (D)   A volunteer fire, rescue or ambulance company established by the county shall:
      (1)   Manage its corporate administrative affairs.
      (2)   Be governed internally by duly elected or appointed officers.
      (3)   Have the right to raise and expend monies in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and company policies that govern such activities.
      (4)   Manage the company's internal budget.
      (5)   Control the expenditure of volunteer company funds.
      (6)   Control the expenditure of county provided funding in accordance with established county policies.
      (7)   Have the right to own real property, fixed and mobile equipment.
      (8)   Manage its volunteer members.
   (E)   A volunteer fire, rescue or ambulance company chief that is operationally authorized under the integrated chain of command shall have primary responsibility and commensurate authority to manage the day-to-day operations of the company in accordance with county policies, procedures, rules and regulations, as well as station level policies and procedures specific to the individual company, provided such station level policies and procedures are not in conflict with applicable county policy and procedures.
(Ord. 13-01-629, 1-8-2013; Ord. 14-23-678, 11-13-2014; Bill No. 16-14, 9-20-2016)